Inside Update
July 15, 2010
Announcements and news for ISU faculty and staff
External funding hits record
Iowa State attracted a record $388.2
million in grants, contracts, gifts and cooperative agreements
during fiscal year 2010. That's 27 percent more than last year's
Tests gauge feasibility of mixing biomass with coal
On occasion over the next few weeks, university boilers will burn coal
mixed with wood pellets or chips. It's part of a series of tests
to determine the feasibility of burning coal-biomass blends to power
the university.
Rain dampens road work
Major road projects on and around campus have been slowed by weather,
but should be open to
traffic before fall classes resume Aug. 23.
More news:
Inside Iowa
The following announcements were added this week:
-- Ames makes MONEY magazine's top 10 best places to live
-- Summer research interns honored July 23
-- Learn about all things pasta July 26-30
-- William Graves, ISU horticulture, to Graduate College associate
dean, effective July 15
-- Duane Johnson, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, to chief
research officer, U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory,
effective later this summer
-- Andrew Tank, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, to head men's
golf coach, ISU athletics department
Student's musical debuts at Harry Potter fan conference
ISU senior Mallory Vance co-wrote
and produced a musical that premieres July 16 at an Orlando
conference for Harry Potter scholars and fans.
Ames Laboratory researchers win R&D 100 Award
Ames Laboratory and ISU scientists Mark Bryden and Doug McCorkle were
awarded a 2010
R&D 100 Award for their software package which creates virtual 3-D
simulations for engineers who design complex systems.
Online writing course assists Iowans with disabilities
ISU's online
writing course assists Iowans with disabilities. English professor
and Iowa poet laureate Mary Swander helped create the course, which is
designed as an online version of the University of Iowa's "Patient
Voice Project."
Next week
-- Farewell: Robert Knight, ISU Dining, July 19 (2-4 p.m., MU
Campanile Room)
-- Retirement: Doug Clabaugh, ISU public safety (police division),
July 22 (2-4 p.m., MU Gallery, program at 3 p.m.)
-- Retirement: Sherrie Nystrom, ISU mechanical engineering, July 28
(2-4 p.m., 2004 Black Engineering)
-- Retirement: Kathy Svec, Memorial Union, July 28 (3-5 p.m., MU
Campanile Room, program at 3:30 p.m.)
-- Retirement: Mary Ann Black, ISU Research Park office, July 28
(3-5 p.m., atrium of Building 4, 2711 South Loop, ISU Research
-- Retirement: Kathy Emmel, ISU controller's department, July 29
(1:30-3 p.m., 1155 Administrative Services)
-- Retirement: Lana Hood, ISU facilities planning and management,
July 29 (2-3:30 p.m., 142 General Services)
-- Retirement: Sheryl Soden, ISU registrar's office, July 30 (office
event planned)
Details about these events are on the university
Arts and
ArtWalk focuses on Anderson sculpture garden
Join university museums curator Nancy Gebhart for the July 21 ArtWalk,
"New Sites and Old Favorites." It will focus on the Anderson Sculpture
Garden, south of Morrill Hall, and its current Bill Barrett and
Christian Petersen sculptures. Meet Nancy outside Morrill's east
entrance at noon.
Iowa Games in full swing this weekend
The biggest weekend of the summer Iowa Games takes place July 16-18 in
and around Ames. Several campus
facilities will serve as competition venues.
An 'Elemental' piece of chemistry
Glass, aluminum and LED lights make up the new multipaneled sculpture in
the Hach Hall chemistry building. Elements and molecular models
were the inspiration for "Elemental" by Seattle-based artist Norie Sato.
More campus events
Talks, performances, athletic contests and other campus events are
listed on the
university calendar. Also, see the
Arts and Entertainment page.
Submitting your news
Inside Update is published Thursday mornings by the Office of
University Relations. Send Update news to For questions, call 4-7958.