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Inside Update

Jan. 20, 2011
Announcements and news for ISU faculty and staff


Payroll tax reduction means more money in your pocket
A federal payroll tax reduction of two percentage points will result in bigger paychecks for all ISU employees beginning this month. Human resource services suggests investing the extra funds in your retirement instead of taking a trip to the mall.

'Future' symposium reformatted, rescheduled to March 9
A half-day symposium on "The Future of Learning, Research and Collaboration" has been postponed from Feb. 1 and reformatted into a March 9 keynote session that organizers hope will allow more faculty, staff and students to attend.

Software aims to boost students' research writing skills
New software developed at Iowa State will guide students through their early ventures in research writing. Students plug in their text and the software responds with suggestions.

Council learns more about recreation user fees
Professional and Scientific Council members learned more from administrators about increased recreation user fees at their Jan. 13 meeting. They also approved an effort reporting draft policy and a revised performance pay program.

Regents give green light to Des Moines veterinary clinic purchase
By the end of the month, Iowa State will purchase a private veterinary hospital in Des Moines for about $4.5 million and operate it through a nonprofit organization affiliated with the university. The state Board of Regents approved the plan 7-0 during a special meeting Jan. 13.

Faculty conduct policy changes on hold in senate
An expected vote on faculty conduct policy changes was tabled at the Jan. 18 Faculty Senate meeting until next month. The proposed change defines unacceptable performance of duty as faculty misconduct.

More news: Inside Iowa State


The following announcements were added this week:
-- Fall 2011 Honors seminar proposals sought by Feb. 11
-- Jan. 27 webinar summarizes research to interest girls in engineering
-- Tax assistance available for qualified individuals
-- Vet Med offers free seminar for horse owners Feb. 1
-- Registration open for "Women in Motion" dance class
-- Register in AccessPlus for Feb. 4 financial aid mini-conference
-- Register now for Veishea Service Day, Stash the Trash on March 26
-- Remind students of the Study Abroad Fair Jan. 27
-- Help symposium planners identify projects, people with "green" success
-- Nominations due Feb. 11 for Student Employee of the Year
-- Next STEM collaboration coffee Jan. 25
-- New website highlights diversity

See: Announcements


Miller fellowship applications due to CELT by Feb. 1
Feb. 1 is the deadline for Miller Faculty Fellowship proposals for the 2011-12 academic year. Details about the award and application process are online. Questions may be directed to Steve Freeman, CELT associate director.

Seminars and conferences

The following conferences were added this week:
-- Social Justice Summit, Feb. 4-5
-- ISU Aphid Research Symposium, Feb. 15
-- Iowa State Conference on Race and Ethnicity (ISCORE), March 4
-- BIGMAP Symposium, April 19-20

See: Announcements


-- Jason Pontius, ISU Research Institute for Studies in Education, to coordinator of continuous academic program improvement, Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost, effective Feb. 1

Around campus

Proposal deadline for student success event is Jan. 31
At Iowa State's first Student Success Summit March 24-25, university employees from academic affairs and student affairs will offer strategies to improve student academic success, retention and graduation. Individuals and teams who are doing good work in these areas are invited to share their efforts, in either a poster presentation or a one-hour session. Proposals are due Jan. 31; presenters will be notified by Feb. 11. Summit registration opens Feb. 1.

Students to launch campus food pantry for students
A fall semester learning community project to look at food assistance needs in the Ames community has evolved into what its planners hope is a long-term program: an on-campus food pantry for students, run by students. The SHOP (Students Helping Our Peers) opens Feb. 1 in 2616 Food Sciences.

ISU researchers reach licensing agreement for shrimp vaccines
Iowa State-based shrimp research has led to an international licensing and marketing agreement for two vaccines to be used in shrimp farming around the world.

Obama's foreign policy assessed by ISU's McCormick
Next week's State of the Union address will mark the midway point for President Barack Obama's initial term in office and James McCormick, professor and chair of political science, reports mixed reviews on the president's foreign policy performance in a new book to be published this year.

Open houses/receptions

This week
-- Reception: "Relationships" art exhibition, Jan. 20 (4:30-6 p.m., Brunnier Art Museum, Scheman, program at 5:15 p.m.)

Next week
-- Open house: The SHOP (Students Helping Our Peers) food pantry, Jan. 27 (3-6 p.m., 2616 Food Sciences, short program and ribbon cutting at 4:30 p.m.)

-- Opening reception: "Weddings in the Heartland: Apparel, Traditions, Memories," Jan. 30 (1:30-3:30 p.m., Mary Alice Gallery, 1015 Morrill)
-- Installation: Dr. Lisa Nolan as the Dr. Stephen G. Juelsgaard Dean of Veterinary Medicine, Feb. 1 (3:30 p.m., 1226 Vet Med, reception follows)

Details about these events are on the university calendar.

Arts and events

Deck your walls
The Student Activities Center is hosting its annual art and print poster sale Jan. 24-28 (9 a.m.-6 p.m., MU Cardinal Room). Most posters cost between $8 and $12; the collection covers an array of subjects, including movies, music and pop culture. Proceeds support art programs at the Memorial Union.

Spring SUB film series is off and running
New titles from this fall and winter made the cut in the Student Union Board's spring film series. Each movie typically has three free showings in the Memorial Union: two on Thursday and one on Sunday evenings.

Get jazzed with SMJO this weekend
If you love Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Benny Goodman or Dizzy Gillespie, you'll want to check out the Smithsonian Masterworks Jazz Orchestra (PDF) Jan. 23 (4 p.m., Stephens). Tickets are $33-$37; $25 youth; $20 ISU students, and may be purchased at the Stephens ticket office or online.

New exhibit focuses on weddings
"Weddings in the Heartland: Apparel, Traditions, Memories" opens Monday (Jan. 24) in the Mary Alice Gallery, 1015 Morrill Hall. It features historical wedding apparel from the Textiles and Clothing Museum in the department of apparel, educational studies and hospitality management. Gallery hours are Monday-Friday, 1 to 4 p.m. Extended hours are 1 to 4 p.m. on Feb. 13, 20; March 6, 27; April 9, 10 and 16 (until 3 p.m.).

More campus events
Talks, performances, athletic contests and other campus events are listed on the university calendar. Also, see the Arts and Entertainment page.


Submitting your news
Inside Update is published Thursday mornings by the Office of University Relations. Send Update news to inside@iastate.edu. For questions, call 4-7958.

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