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Inside Update

May 19, 2011
Announcements and news for ISU faculty and staff


Blackboard: The time to Learn is now
CELT is offering a series of Blackboard Learn summer workshops for instructors who need to make the switch from WebCT. The WebCT course management system is being discontinued next spring.

ISU learning communities: Strong and still growing
Iowa State heads into its 17th year of learning communities when the 2011-12 academic year begins in August. What's made the program a keeper -- and where could additional growth occur?

Army ROTC confronts invasion of a different kind
A group of Army ROTC cadets volunteered to clear Pammel Woods of invasive garlic mustard plants, which are threatening the natural habitat.

Special Olympics will temporarily close roads, lots
Several campus parking lots, including the Iowa State Center commuter lots, will close to accommodate the Special Olympics summer games May 26-28 in Ames. Beach Road and South Fourth Street also will be impacted.

More news: Inside Iowa State


The following announcements were added this week:
-- Cyclone women's basketball is No. 4 in attendance
-- Join Coach Rhoads on motorcycle ride to benefit Alzheimer's Association
-- Greenlee School students capture 2nd in national marketing competition
-- Former faculty member Sande McNabb dies
-- MU's Workplace announces summer courses
-- Childcare center at Vet Med has openings in two age groups

See: Announcements


-- Martin Spalding, professor and chair of genetics, development and cell biology, to interim associate dean for research and graduate studies in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, effective July 1

Around campus

Landscape architecture students contribute to prison renovation
Teams of ISU landscape architecture students worked with officials from the state's women's prison in Mitchellville to propose a rehabilitative landscape in a $68 million expansion and renovation project.

Cy looks good on the hood of a race car
The No. 85 Chevrolet in a NASCAR Pro Series race at the Iowa Speedway May 21 will feature Iowa State colors and logos. The university is sponsoring the car to highlight its role in the development of ethanol and continued leadership in biofuels research.

Student is panel member at international conference
Senior software engineering major Katie Githens is a participant in the premier conference for software engineers May 21-28 in Honolulu. She'll serve on a student panel discussing courses on distributed software development.

Most ISU Dining locales open this summer
Many ISU Dining locales adopted new summer hours last week. A few are closed until mid-August, but you still have options for coffee or lunch.

Open houses/receptions

Next week
-- Retirement: Patricia Murphy, food science and human nutrition, May 26 (3-6 p.m., program at 4 p.m., courtyard of Food Sciences)

Details about this event are on the university calendar.

Arts and events

Plant sale is Saturday morning
The Ames Garden Club will hold a plant sale May 21 (8 a.m.-noon) in the maintenance shed parking lot at Reiman Gardens. A variety of plants and garden items will be sold.

Art conservator to talk about Christian Petersen
Fine art conservator Francis Miller will give a public lecture on "Conserving a Legacy" May 26 (7 p.m., 2019 Morrill). He is on campus this month doing conservation work on several Christian Petersen pieces, including the Fountain of the Four Seasons.

More campus events
Talks, performances, athletic contests and other campus events are listed on the university calendar. Also, see the Arts and Entertainment page.


Submitting your news
Inside Update is published Thursday mornings by the Office of University Relations. Send Update news to inside@iastate.edu. For questions, call 4-7958.

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