Inside Update
March 1, 2012
Announcements and news for ISU faculty and staff
Search committee seeks nominations for provost
The committee searching for the next Iowa State provost is
nominations for the position. An aggressive timeline for the
search could bring candidates to campus for interviews in
Presidential sound bites
President Steven Leath fielded questions from ISU employees at a
Feb. 28
open forum, with topics ranging from research, to enrollment
growth, to the provost search.
Five Questions for Mary Sauer
Inside asks Iowa State's Attending
Veterinarian about her job
ensuring good care and use of
animals used for research and
teaching on campus.
Event recognizes three years of green living
Members of Iowa State's green community gathered in the MU Great Hall
Tuesday to celebrate and showcase three year's worth
Live Green! activities.
The following announcements were added this week:
-- Online live stream available for Biden town hall meeting
-- Registration is open for March 24 Stash the Trash/Veishea Service
-- Staff, faculty invited to volunteer at Veishea events
-- Honors program seeks nominees for teaching, advising awards
-- Postal and Parcel Services announces mail delivery changes
-- STEM collaboration coffee is March 6
-- Glen Campbell tour stops at Stephens April 14
-- Register now for grant search workshops at the library
-- Join Rec Services' super-sized Zumba class on March 5
CELT programs
Register via AccessPlus (click on Employee > HRS Training >
-- Writing to Increase Critical Thinking, March 6 (12:10-1 p.m., 2030 Morrill)
-- Student Evaluation of Teaching: Introduction to Class Climate, March 7 (9-10:30 a.m., 1230 Communications)
-- Institutional Procedures: OSPA/Broader Impacts/Assessments (a grant-writing subseries in a seminar series on academic writing for graduate students and new faculty), March 8 (3:10-4 p.m., 101 Carver)
-- Blackboard: User group meeting, March 9 (11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., 1230 Communications)
Descriptions and times
Dietetics undergrad develops cookbook for kids with
Dietetics junior Kelly Wagner created a children's
cookbook that injects healthy ingredients into kid-favorite
meals as her Honors capstone project. Professor and chair of
food science and human nutrition Ruth MacDonald helped
her. Blank Children's Hospital, Des Moines, will use the
Eyewitness ID research is topic of spring dean's
Distinguished Professor of psychology Gary Wells will give the LAS
college's Spring
Dean's Lecture March 1 (8 p.m., MU Sun Room). A 35-year
student of eyewitness identification practices, Wells will
discuss how mistaken eyewitness IDs happen, and the improvements
to the process that are a result of his research.
This week
-- Reception: "Public Art Studies from Notebooks" exhibit with
artist Terry Allen, March 1 (7:30-9 p.m., Christian Petersen Art
Museum, Morrill, preceded by Allen lecture at 6 p.m.)
-- Open house (spring classes): Osher Lifelong Learning Institute,
March 1 (noon-1 p.m., Reiman Ballroom, ISU Alumni Center)
-- Retirement: Karen Macdonald, office of the vice president for
business and finance, March 2 (2:30-4 p.m., 3150 Beardshear)
Next week
-- Reception: YWCA Ames-ISU Women of Achievement Awards, March 8
(5:30-7:30 p.m., Octagon Center for the Arts, 427 Douglas
Ave.). Tickets, $25 ($5 for students), are available through the
YWCA, 210 Lab of Mechanics, 4-1663.
Arts and
Pollution and health is topic of Sunday lecture
Biologist, author and cancer survivor Sandra Steingraber will
on "Environmental Pollution, Climate Change and Our Health" March
4 (7 p.m., MU Sun Room). Her books have addressed the challenges
of shielding children from the effects of environmental
A bit o' Irish
Gear up for St. Patrick's Day with the high-energy Celtic music of
Irish ensemble Danú
on Monday, March 5 (7:30 p.m., Stephens). Tickets, $33 ($18 for
youth; $15 for ISU students), are available at the Iowa State Center
ticket office or through Ticketmaster.
This week at the Maintenance Shop
The following acts will perform at the Memorial Union's
Shop this week. Tickets are $12 ($10 for students) unless
indicated. Ticket prices increase $2 the day of the show. Get
tickets at the M-Shop ticket office (4-8349).
-- Jared Blake, March 1 (8 p.m.)
-- Memoryhouse, March 2 (9 p.m.)
-- We Are The Willows and The Daredevil Christopher Wright, March 3 (9
p.m.). Tickets are $8 ($6 for students).
-- Soul Rebels, March 4 (8 p.m.). Tickets are $10 (free for
-- Katie Herzig, March 6 (8 p.m.)
More campus events
Talks, performances, athletic contests and other campus events are
listed on the
university calendar. Also, see the
Arts and Entertainment page.
Submitting your news
Inside Update is published Thursday mornings by the Office of
University Relations. Send Update news to For questions, call 4-7958.
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