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Inside Update

Nov. 29, 2012
Announcements and news for ISU faculty and staff

Inside News

ISU physicist loans expertise to national program
After four years on the front lines of national physics research with the U.S. Department of Energy, Eli Rosenberg is back on campus.

ISU hopes to replace coal boilers with natural gas boilers
The new boilers would reduce the university's carbon footprint by 12 percent. The state Board of Regents will be asked next week to give final approval to the phased, three-year replacement plan.

Test your architectural IQ on student-made birdhouses
What bird wouldn't give up the old plywood triangle for a French Gothic or Italian Renaissance home? Check out the bird dwellings that students built in their history of architecture class. And while you're at it, test your architectural IQ with a short quiz.

Digital repository offers a campus portal to global publishing
The library's new online digital repository gives faculty, staff and students a free tool to publish their research, creative and scholarly works for a global audience.

Lost and found: How it works here
Faculty and staff play a key role in reuniting lost belongings with their owners. These guidelines will help you decide what to do with lost items that you find yourself as well as those that are turned in to your department.

More news: Inside Iowa State


The following announcements were added this week:
-- Osborn Club lecture is Dec. 10
-- Reiman Gardens open late on Thursdays through December
-- Destination Iowa State seeks team leaders
-- Dec. 6 faculty roundtable looks at performance as a process
-- Faculty: Reserve library course materials now for spring
-- Madrigal Dinner tickets go on sale Dec. 3
-- FPM's Noel Shepley dies in weekend accident
-- Rec Services will sponsor Alaska sea kayaking trip in June
-- Volunteers sought for winter Science Bowl competitions
-- Get tickets now for "Breakfast at the North Pole" event
-- Reminder: Register for financial aid mini-conference by Dec. 7
-- UCC morning preschool has spring openings


Pilot study planned for Top Hat Monocle student response system
CELT has been awarded an ISU Computation Advisory Committee grant to conduct a pilot study on Top Hat Monocle student response system. This software has many of the capabilities of clickers, including the ability to use a number of question types and have students review questions outside of class. CELT will hold an information session about the pilot study on Nov. 30 (1:10-2 p.m., 1230 Communications). Faculty interested in participating in the pilot during spring semester should register for this session via AccessPlus (click on Employee > HRS Training > Courses). Contact Terri Boylston for more information.

CELT seeks associate director for new online learning post
The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching created a new associate director for online learning position, and is conducting an internal search to fill it. This is a 0.5 FTE, three-year term appointment with a proposed start date of Jan. 1, 2013. Required qualifications include: Tenured ISU faculty member; experience in online teaching; solid record in teaching, research and service; and strong interpersonal and communication skills. More information is on the ISU jobs site.

Around campus

ISU Foundation names new president
Roger Neuhaus will become the Iowa State University Foundation president on Jan. 23. He comes to Iowa State from the University of Arizona Foundation, where he served as senior vice president for development and university campaigns.

Phonebook, mixed paper collection will be Dec. 19-21
Iowa State's annual phonebook recycling effort will be combined with the second mixed paper recycling of 2012. Campus services teams will collect both Dec. 19-21. Buildings need to submit an online request by Dec. 12 to be included on the pickup list.

Hotel MU has winter weather rates
The Hotel Memorial Union is offering a reduced room rate for employees and students (Sunday-Thursday nights) through March 2013. The intent is to give members of the university community who commute to Ames an incentive to avoid traveling in hazardous winter conditions.

University newsletters

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Developing chemicals with biomass, DNA engineering in plants and cleaning up Iowa's lakes are among the life science research featured in the latest issue of CALS' STORIES alumni magazine.

Open forums

Next week
-- With the Business dean search committee, Dec. 3 (1-2 p.m., 3164 Gerdin)
-- Sarah Rajala, Mississippi State University, College of Engineering dean finalist, Dec. 3 (4 p.m., Howe auditorium)
-- With the Business dean search committee, Dec. 6 (4-5 p.m., 2200 Gerdin)

Details about these events are on the university calendar.

Open houses/receptions

This week
-- WinterFest open house: Farm House Museum, Nov. 29-30 (noon-4 p.m., Farm House)
-- Retirement: Deanna Jordan, Office of the Registrar, Nov. 29 (new time and room: 1:30-3:30 p.m., MU Gallery)
-- Retirement: Lou Ann Keigley, Facilities Planning and Management, Nov. 29 (2-4 p.m., 200H General Services Building)
-- Farewell: Jessica Stolee, Equal Opportunity and Compliance, Nov. 29 (3:30-5 p.m., 1750 Beardshear)
-- WinterFest open house: University Book Store, Nov. 30 (7:45 a.m.-5 p.m., UBS, Memorial Union)
-- Retirement: LaDonna Osborn, ISU sociology, Nov. 30 (2-4 p.m., 360 Heady)
-- Retirement: Ann Coppernoll, College of Business, Nov. 30 (3-5 p.m., Bergstrom Commons, Gerdin, program at 3:45 p.m.)

Next week
-- Retirement: Don Broshar, ISU Extension and Outreach, Dec. 3 (1-3 p.m., 3150 Beardshear)
-- Retirement: Tom Zimmerman, Environmental Health and Safety, Dec. 7 (2-4 p.m., EH&S Building, program at 3 p.m.)

-- Open house: Holiday shopping with Cy, Dec. 11 (11 a.m.-8 p.m., Alumni Center)
-- Commencement reception, Dec. 15 (immediately following 1:30 p.m. ceremony, Alumni Center)

Details about these events are on the university calendar.

Arts and events

Panel members talk about what matters
A panel of ISU students, faculty and staff will share their values, beliefs and motivations during a Student Union Board-hosted discussion Nov. 29 (8 p.m., MU Sun Room). Admission is free and all are welcome.

Comedian Kathy Griffin takes the stage at Stephens tonight
There still is time to purchase tickets to see award-winning comedian Kathy Griffin Nov. 29 at 7:30 p.m. in Stephens Auditorium. The performance is for mature audiences. Tickets, $58 and $68 ($40 for students), are available at the Iowa State Center ticket office and through Ticketmaster.

Don't be late for this very important date
ISU Theatre stages a holiday run of Alice in Wonderland beginning Nov. 30 at Fisher Theater. Tickets, $16 ($8 for students), are available at the Iowa State Center ticket office or through Ticketmaster.

NCAA volleyball playoffs come to Hilton Nov. 29-30
For the second year, Iowa State will host first- and second-round volleyball matches in the 2012 NCAA Championship. Iowa State will play Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne, in the second matchup Thursday (7:30 p.m.), preceded by a 5 p.m. University of California vs. University of North Carolina match. The winners advance to Friday's 7:30 p.m. match, also in Hilton. Reserved all-session tickets are $14 ($10 youth); single-session general admission is $10 ($7 youth) on Thursday and $8 ($6 youth) on Friday. Tickets may be purchased online, by phone (888-478-2925) or at the athletics ticket office.

More campus events
Talks, performances, athletic contests and other campus events are listed on the university calendar. Also, see the Arts and Entertainment page.


Submitting your news
Inside Update is published Thursday mornings by the Office of University Relations. Send Update news to inside@iastate.edu. For questions, call 4-7958.

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