Oct. 3, 2013
News for Iowa State faculty and staff
newsCouncil recommendations
aim to sustain top student
experience The council charged with ensuring that the Iowa
State student experience remains high recently released
recommendations on a variety of
topics, ranging from science labs to academic enrichment
activities. Committee offers plan to enhance
institutional excellence A central writing team for big
grant proposals and an incentive program to recruit and retain
Ph.D. students and postdocs are among recent recommendations of the
committee seeking ways to enhance Iowa State's excellence in
research and scholarship. Rico-Gutierrez is
reappointed as Design dean Luis Rico-Gutierrez, dean of
the College of Design, has been appointed to a second
five-year term, effective in
July 2014. OSHA changes require employee
training Updated OSHA regulations require many ISU
employees to be trained on the changes by
Dec. 1.
More news
following announcements were added this
week: -
P&S Council
professional development seminar is Oct. 8
Batik exhibit at textiles museum runs through mid-November
invited to pitch a proposed or startup business
Care Act: Health insurance Q&A available online
Flu shot clinic begins Oct. 7
Register for
Oct. 18 interdisciplinary research conference
training: Dealing with Difficult People
No elevator
service in Student Services Building
"Stuff the
Bus" donation drive is Oct. 5
See: Announcements
Register via
AccessPlus (click on Employee > HRS Training > Courses). Classes are
in 1230 Communications unless indicated.
Learn Users Group, Oct. 11 (11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.)
An Epic Win:
Using Blackboard to Facilitate Game-based Learning (GBL), Oct. 16
(1:10-2:30 p.m.)
Seminars and
following conferences were added this week:
- Maureen De Armond, former legal counsel to the Methodist
Medical Center of Illinois, to associate counsel in the Office of
University Counsel, effective Oct. 7
campusLeath talks enrollment, diversity, university
ratings on radio show President Steven Leath was a guest
on the Sept. 30 edition of Iowa Public Radio's River to
River program. Read excerpts of the interview here;
the entire conversation is archived online at
IPR. Study examines perceived wine
servings Researchers at Iowa State and Cornell
discovered that a variety of environmental factors, such as glass
size and wine color, influence how much wine is poured and
decorated day
Approximately 40 faculty and staff were honored during
the annual university awards ceremony
Wednesday afternoon in the Memorial Union.
University Museums
In the October 2013 edition of Interpretations
(PDF): Images of new art for the Art on Campus collection, a
glimpse of the upcoming Mac Adams exhibition at the Christian
Petersen Art Museum, and a feature on award-winning artist Nori
Meet and
Greet with multicultural faculty and staff, Oct. 3 (4:30-6 p.m., MU
Gallery), hosted by the Black and Latino graduate student
Zora Zimmerman, LAS college administration, Oct. 11 (3:30-5:30 p.m.,
MU Campanile Room), send best wishes for a book the college will
compile to Laura Wille
- Open house and reception: Collection of Edward
Mezvinsky's Congressional and public service papers, Oct. 17 (3:30
p.m., Special Collections, 403 Parks Library)
Arts and
Smith chairholder Karen Hughes to give talk on
Oct. 3
Hughes, adviser to President George W. Bush and former
Undersecretary of State of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, and
holder of the fall 2013 Mary Louise Smith Chair in Women and
Politics, will give a campus talk on
Thursday, Oct. 3 (noon, MU Great Hall). Hughes is expected to share
her personal insights and experiences in women's leadership and
empowerment. Her talk is free and open to the public.
Reiman Gardens holds annual bonsai show this
A bounty of
bonsai will be on display at Reiman Gardens Oct. 5-6 (9 a.m.-4:30
p.m. daily) during the Iowa Bonsai Association
Annual Show. Visitors will see multiple bonsai styles and hear
from several bonsai experts. Bonsai plants and arrangements also
will be for sale. Garden admission rates apply.
Bring your tennies on Oct. 9
Join the campus community for a 20-minute campus walk that's part of the
Healthiest State Initiative, Oct. 9 at noon. Participants can
choose their own routes, or choose from seven mapped
routes. Registration is not
required for the free event, but is used to log state participation
numbers. More campus
Submitting your
Inside Update is published
Thursday mornings by the Office of University