Dec. 19, 2013
News for Iowa State faculty and staff
Inside newsIt's graduation weekend More than 1,800 students are expected to complete degrees during fall semester. Many of them will participate in graduation events this weekend. Winter break: A few reminders Winter break is upon us. Here are a few tips to keep your office safe and energy-efficient. Performance-based state funding is used elsewhere Iowa can take a lesson from the starts -- and stops -- of states that have experimented with distributing their higher education appropriations according to student performance measures, consultant tells task force members. Next Update is Jan. 9 This is the last Inside Update of 2013. The University will be closed Dec. 24-25 and Jan. 1. The next publication date is Jan. 9, 2014. Spring semester classes begin on Jan. 13.
More news
The following announcements were added this week: -
Presenters sought for student leadership conference
Nominations sought for Student Employee of the Year
Stay on the safe side, with CyBox storage
Former journalism prof Bill Kunerth dies
See: Announcements
Open lab: Help is available for spring (or summer) Blackboard Learn courses
CELT is offering open lab support sessions Jan. 6-17 for faculty, staff and teaching/graduate assistants to drop in and get assistance with their spring and summer Blackboard 9.1 courses. Open labs are planned for 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Jan. 6-10 and Jan. 13-17, in 1151 Communications. Contact bbhelp@iastate.edu with questions.
CELT programs
During the week of Jan. 6, the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) will host workshops about the basic fundamentals and effective practices of Blackboard Learn. Register via AccessPlus (click on Employee > HRS Training > Courses). Workshops are in 1230 Communications.
Developing Your Bb Learn Course, Jan. 6 (1:10-2:30 p.m.)
Using Tests, Quizzes and Surveys, Jan. 7 (1:10-2:30 p.m.)
Grade Center Essentials and Beyond, Jan. 8 (1:10-3 p.m.)
Monitoring Student Learning, Jan. 9 (1:10-2 p.m.)
Blackboard User Group, Jan. 10 (11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.)
Seminars and conferences
The following events were added this week: -
Iowa Water Conference, "Water Strategies for Success in a Changing World," March 3-4, 2014, Scheman Building, registration forms available now (due Feb. 25) for poster presentations or 15-minute oral presentations on research related to water
Iowa State Leadership Experience, Feb. 1, 2014, Memorial Union, program proposals on leadership topics are due by Jan. 13
University newsletters
Live Green! Monthly
Hard up for New Year's resolutions? Director of sustainability Merry Rankin has got you covered. The December edition (PDF) of Live Green! Monthly also includes sustainable gift ideas and a guide to DIY weatherizing.
This week
Retirement: Deb Sunstrom, office of risk management, Dec. 19 (2-4 p.m., 1155 Administrative Services Building)
Retirement: Art Ciccotti, chemistry, Dec. 19 (3-4 p.m., 1651 Gilman)
Retirement: Gloria Cain, computer science academic advising, Dec. 19 (3-5 p.m, MU Gallery)
Reception, honoring 40 years of service: Jim Hoekstra, IT Services, Dec. 20 (10 a.m.-noon, 116 Durham Center, program at 10:30 a.m.)
Graduation celebration and open house: Dec. 21 (approximately 4 p.m., following commencement ceremony, ISU Alumni Center)
Retirement: Linda Johnson, printing and copy services, Jan. 3 (no public reception)
Farewell: Mike Persia, animal science, Jan. 6 (10-11:30 a.m., Kildee atrium, program at 10:15 a.m.)
Retirement: Hank Harris, animal science, Jan. 10 (3:30-5 p.m., Kildee atrium, program at 4 p.m.)
Retirement: John Anderson, office of the president, Jan. 14 (10-11:30 a.m., conference room, 1750 Beardshear)
Reception: Unveiling of Catt Center's 2014 Women Impacting ISU calendar, Jan. 15 (3:30-5 p.m., MU Sun Room)
Arts and events
Reiman Gardens is open late tonight
Dec. 19 is the final Thursday to see "Our Holiday Heritage" illuminated against the night sky in the conservatory at Reiman Gardens. Admission is free after 4:30 p.m. to visit the holiday display and the gift shop. The building is open until 8 p.m.; the butterfly wing closes at 4:30 p.m.
Hilton will be hopping during break
There will be plenty of Cyclone athletics action in Hilton Coliseum during the three-week winter break, including men's and women's basketball games, gymnastics competitions and a wrestling match. Ticket specials are available for select basketball games.
More campus events
Submitting your news
Inside Update is published Thursday mornings by the Office of University
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