| Feb. 6, 2014
News for Iowa State faculty and staff
| Inside newsCampus in midst of ash borer preparations The latest confirmation of the emerald ash borer in Iowa comes as Iowa State nears the midpoint of its long-term plan to combat the insect's devastating impact. Bergstrom complex lands Iowa State's seventh LEED certification The Bergstrom Football Complex, which opened in November 2012, received a silver certification in the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) program for sustainable design, construction and maintenance. Posters, award nominations sought for sustainability symposium Iowa State's annual green fest -- the Symposium on Sustainability -- is later this month. Now's the time to nominate someone for a Live Green Award or submit an idea for the symposium's popular poster presentations. More news
| Announcements The following announcements were added this week: Registration is open for March 7 ISCORE College of Business offers free tax preparation 'IT Futures' is topic of next P&S Council open forum Registration is open for Friday afternoon science camp for girls Osborn Club lecture is Feb. 10 University faculty and staff award nominations due Feb. 20 Vagina Monologues tickets on sale now Nominations for gender equity awards due Feb. 21 Hort Club will sell roses on Feb. 14; optional pre-orders due Feb. 10 Deadlines for YWCA awards, student scholarship are approaching See: Announcements
| Teaching
CELT programs Register via AccessPlus (click on Employee > HRS Training > Courses).
Seminars and conferences
The following events were added this week: Teleworkshop: "How Mindfulness Can Help Your Writing, Teaching and Peace of Mind," National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity, Feb 11 (noon), registration required, see announcement on provost's website Workshop: "Institutional Research Board: What All Researchers Need to Know," Kerry Agnitsch, interim director, Office for Responsible Research, Feb. 14 (12:10-1 p.m., 130 College of Design), bring your lunch; cookies provided
Christopher Hopkins, associate professor of music and theater, to director of the Center for Excellence in the Arts and Humanities, effective Feb. 1 Patrick Schnable, Charles F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor in Agriculture and Life Sciences, to director of the Plant Sciences Institute, effective Feb. 1
Around campusGuitar maker at work this week Custom electric guitar maker Peter Malinoski, artist-in-residence this week in the College of Design, is demonstrating the making of a guitar during a daily workshop series. Studying the decline of pollinators Researchers at Iowa State are identifying the factors that have led to steep declines in the populations of pollinating insects such as honey bees. ISU offering health insurance education Statewide workshops are part of the College of Human Sciences' extension and outreach effort to help Iowans understand their health insurance options and obligations.
| This week Next week Exhibition reception: Artwork by Wuhan (China) University School of Urban Design faculty, Feb. 13 (4:30-6 p.m., College of Design Gallery 181, program at 5 p.m.) Exhibition reception: "Life of Sierra Leone," photos by Radford Davis, Feb. 15 (5-6 p.m., Multicultural Center, Memorial Union)
Details about these events are on the university calendar.
Open forums
Ames Laboratory director finalists (2 of 5) Duane Johnson, Ames Laboratory, Feb. 6 (10:30-noon, 301 Spedding) Adam Schwartz, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Feb. 14 (10:30-noon, 301 Spedding)
Arts and events
Stop and smell the orchids Take time for springtime colors this weekend at Reiman Gardens' annual Orchid Fest, Feb. 8-9 (9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.). Learn how to care for orchids from members of the Central Iowa Orchid Society and other experts. Plants will be available for purchase. Orchid Fest is free to Reiman Gardens members and ISU students; others pay regular gardens admission. Top high school musicians converge at Iowa State Two annual high school music festivals -- Cyclone Honor Band and ISU Honor Choir -- will be held at Iowa State over the next five days. More than 300 Iowa high school instrumentalists will comprise two honor bands that perform Feb. 8 (3 p.m., Ames City Auditorium). The choir is made up of 85 Iowa high school vocalists who will perform in the Tye Recital Hall on Feb. 9 (7:30 p.m.) and Feb. 10 (7 p.m.). Various Iowa State choral ensembles will join the honor choir at both performances. All concerts are free and open to the public. Anticipate spring: Watch some softball The Cyclone softball team's 2014 schedule begins this weekend with two double-headers inside the Bergstrom Football Complex. On Saturday, Iowa State kicks off the season at noon against Indiana State and follows up at 2:30 p.m. with a game against South Dakota State. On Sunday, the Cyclones will reverse the order, playing the Jackrabbits at 9:30 a.m. and Indiana State at noon. Admission is free. Coach Talk is Feb. 10 Cyclone head women's basketball coach Bill Fennelly will hold his last fan lunch of this season on Monday, Feb. 10 (noon-1 p.m., MU Pioneer Room). Bring your lunch and your questions. More campus events
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