| Sept. 18, 2014
News for Iowa State faculty and staff
| Inside news Iowa State joins alliance to help more students graduate Iowa State is a founding member of an 11-university alliance that will share proven programs to help more students complete their college educations. Leath discusses growth, next step for ISU President Steven Leath's presidential address touched on new hires, repurposing central campus space, growing the research enterprise, economic development triumphs and faculty and staff's strong commitment to students. University awards ceremony is Sept. 22 Faculty and staff recipients of university awards will be recognized at a ceremony on Sept. 22 (3:30 p.m., MU Great Hall). A reception will follow the event. Grants Hub will open in January The office of the vice president for research will staff a central office that provides faculty and staff from all disciplines a broad range of assistance and training related to research development and grant administration. Search begins for library dean The recently named search committee for the next dean of the university library will begin work immediately. Nominations may be submitted to one of the committee co-chairs -- Dawn Bratsch-Prince, associate provost for faculty, or David Spalding, Raisbeck Endowed Dean of the College of Business. Emergency response guide may help save lives A new emergency response video could help save lives on campus. Learn more about the video and view it here. More news
| Announcements The following announcements were added this week: - You're invited: MU birthday party is Sept. 22
- The Price is Right Live stops at Stephens on Nov. 18
- RSVP by Sept. 19 for Homecoming tailgate, awards luncheon
- Learn how to put out a fire on Sept. 19
- Hosts sought for short-term home stays this fall
- A Christmas Carol tickets are on sale now
- Third Day to perform at Stephens on Nov. 7
See: Announcements
| Around campusUniversities team will enhance public appreciation for research Iowa State is part of a team of higher education institutions that seeks to create better public understanding of the impacts of research made possible by federal grants. The National Science Foundation awarded $500,000 to the five-year initiative, which will help scientists at U.S. research institutions better explain the relevance of their research to people's lives. Harmon is interim director at student health center Associate vice president for student affairs Martino Harmon is serving as interim director of the Thielen Student Health Center, effective Sept. 15. Former director Michelle Hendricks retired from Iowa State on the same date. Information about a search for a new director will be announced at a later date. Agent of change: Carolyn Lawrence The ISU News Service team this week launched an ongoing feature series on faculty members and scientists whose big ideas bring positive changes to the world. Up first: associate professor of genetics, development and cell biology Carolyn Lawrence. Volunteers dig in at ABE facility Approximately 60 volunteers from ISU and around the state installed the landscaping around Elings and Sukup halls as part of a Sept. 11 service day project.
The following employees joined the University Library last month: - Kimberly Anderson, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, as archivist, effective Aug. 11
- Mike Bobb, recent graduate of the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, as science and technology librarian, effective Aug. 4
- Dawn Mick, Missouri University of Science and Technology, as resource sharing and acquisitions management librarian, effective Aug. 18
This week - Retirement: Lee Kilmer, animal science, Sept. 20 (2-4 p.m., program at 3 p.m., Hansen Agriculture Learning Center)
- Opening reception: "Textiles, Teaching and Travel: The Life and Work of ISU Professor Agatha Huepenbecker Burnet" exhibit, Sept. 21 (2-3:30 p.m., Mary Alice Gallery, 1015 Morrill)
Next week - Reception: Follows 3:30 p.m. University Faculty and Staff Awards Ceremony, Sept. 22 (MU Great Hall)
Upcoming - Retirement: Gary Honeick, printing and copy services, Oct. 3 (9:30-10:30 a.m., 101 Printing Services, 114 Kooser Dr.)
Seminars and conferences
- LAS college Signature Research Themes workshop, "Complex Materials," Oct. 20 (1-6:30 p.m., Alumni Center), for faculty and research staff interested in cross-disciplinary research opportunities, registration due Oct. 10
Arts and events
Watch fantasy coffin artist in action Eric Adjetey Anang, Ghana, is an artist-in-residence in the integrated studio arts department this week, working with associate professor Chris Martin's classes. Faculty and staff may watch Anang work on his Iowa-themed fantasy coffin Thursday (9:30-11 a.m.) and Friday (8-11 a.m.) on the lower level patio behind the College of Design. Public lecture kicks off Engineers Week Theoretical physicist and TV personality Michio Kaku, who has a knack for popularizing obscure concepts, will kick off Engineers' Week with a free lecture, "How Science Will Revolutionize Business, Medicine, Jobs and Life," on Friday, Sept. 19 (7 p.m., Stephens Auditorium, doors open at 6:15 p.m.). Weekend competitions feature Intrastate matches The Cyclone soccer and volleyball teams will compete at home this weekend: - Soccer vs. Drake, Sept. 19 (7 p.m., Cyclone Sports Complex), free
- Volleyball vs. Iowa (Cy-Hawk Series), Sept. 20 (4 p.m., Hilton), $5
- Soccer vs. South Dakota State, Sept. 21 (1 p.m., Cyclone Sports Complex), free
More campus events
Faculty professional development
CELT programs Register via AccessPlus (click on Employee > UHR Training > Courses) or contact CELT, 4-5357. Location is 1230 Communications unless noted. - Workshop, Designing Your Course to Promote Student Success in Blackboard Learn, Sept. 22 (3:10-4 p.m.)
- Seminar, Service-Learning at ISU, Sept. 23 (12:10-1:30 p.m., 2030 Morrill)
- Workshop, Using Tests, Quizzes and Surveys in Blackboard Learn, Sept. 24 (3:10-4:30 p.m.)
- Workshop, Capture a Lecture and/or "Flip" a Class with Panopto, Sept. 25 (3:10-4:30 p.m.)
| Submitting your news
Inside Update is published Thursday mornings by the Office of University Update Archives |
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