| April 2, 2015
News for Iowa State faculty and staff
| Inside newsISU is taking part in national student survey Iowa State is one of 27 AAU member institutions participating in a sexual assault campus climate study. All students will be asked to complete a survey being conducted by the Westat national research firm April 2-23. Study abroad draws record numbers Iowa State students flocked to study abroad programs in record numbers over the past year, studying and working in more than 50 countries. Council approves assistance animal policy draft Meeting Wednesday, the Professional and Scientific Council approved a policy draft that sets guidelines for the use of assistance animals -- service and emotional support -- on campus. The policy is open for public comments and questions through April 21.
More news
| Announcements The following announcements were added this week: - Library materials due at semester's end may be renewed now
- Summer Kids' Co'Motion registration is open
- Children's spring egg hunt is Saturday morning
- Early registration ends April 10 for SCAVMA Scamper on April 25
- Save the date: International Food Fair is April 18
- Ongoing writing program seeks gender-focused submissions
- Ames Laboratory photo challenge runs April 6-30
- Test your financial IQ for a chance to win a mini tablet computer
- Register now for April 6 TIAA-CREF investment seminar
- Register for Project LEA/RN workshop in May
- Own a small piece of Davidson Hall
| Around campusDesign students help Fareway launch a new venture Graduate students Jingyu Liu and Julian Osorio were part of the design studio class that created a branding narrative and corporate identity for Midwest Quality Wholesale, a new venture by Fareway Stores Inc.
Upcoming - Retirement: Carl Jacobson, geological and atmospheric sciences, April 15 (3-5 p.m., program at 3:30 p.m., Molecular Biology Building atrium)
- Reception: Honoring Pamela White as the inaugural holder of the College of Human Sciences' endowed Dean's Chair, April 17 (1-2 p.m., MU Gold Room), the university community is invited
- Reception: 6th annual Biorenewables Art Competition, April 22 (4-5:30 p.m., award winners announced at 4:15 p.m., Biorenewables Research Laboratory lobby)
Details about these events are on the university calendar.
Seminars and conferences - Roundtable discussion, Interdisciplinary Research in the Humanities, facilitator Matthew Sivils, associate professor of English and Center for Excellence in the Arts and Humanities 2015 Fellow, April 2 (6 p.m., 5:30 p.m. gathering and refreshments, 1204 Kildee), all scholars interested in pursuing interdisciplinary research in the humanities are invited
- Keck Foundation information session, with Donna Van Pelt, ISU Foundation, April 7 (3:30-4:30 p.m., 3512 MU)
- Nanovaccine Seminar, "Engineering Immune Responses in Vaccination and Tolerance Induction," Jeffrey Hubbell, University of Chicago, April 9 (11 a.m.-noon, 171 Durham Center)
- Symposium, Interlocking the Pieces for Global Food Security, April 14-15 (Gateway Conference Center), register online by April 13
Arts and events
NCAA gymnastics regional meet is Saturday Iowa State plays host to five other teams and a handful of individual qualifiers for the NCAA Gymnastics Ames Regional in Hilton Coliseum on Saturday, April 4. The top two teams advance to the NCAA Championships. NYC chef addresses future of food on April 8 Dan Barber, executive chef of Manhattan's Blue Hill restaurant and Blue Hill at Stone Barns in Pocantico Hills, New York, will present "Beyond Farm-to-Table: The Future of Food" on April 8 (7 p.m., MU Sun Room). Barber, who writes about food and agriculture for national publications, will discuss the need for radically transforming our approach to cooking for the sake of our food, our health and the future of the land.
More campus events
Talks, performances, athletic contests and other campus events are listed on the university calendar.
Faculty professional development
CELT programs - Faculty Learning Community meeting, Service-Learning, April 6 (12:10-1 p.m., 2030 Morrill)
- Roundtable, Blended Learning: Camtasia, Echo 360 and Panopto, April 7 (12:10-1 p.m., 192 Parks Library)
- Online presentation, Designing Coursework as a Game, Lee Sheldon, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, April 7 (1:10-2 p.m., live in 2030 Morrill)
- Webinar, Active Learning: Live and Online, April 9 (11 a.m.-noon)
- Showcase, How Faculty are Creating Interactive Learning Content with SoftChalk, April 9 (12:10-1 p.m., 192 Parks Library)
- Seminar/Blackboard Users Group meeting, Evaluating Your Course, April 10 (11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., 192 Parks Library)
- Adviser Exchange Series, Helping High School Students and Families Make Early College Credit a Good Investment, April 15 (3-4:30 p.m., 2030 Morrill)
- Teaching and Learning Circle, The Power of Habit: Transform Your Advising, three sessions: April 16, 23 and 30 (11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., 2030 Morrill)
| Submitting your news
Inside Update is published Thursday mornings by the Office of University Update Archives |
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