Harmon named to senior VP for student affairs post
Martino Harmon has been tapped to become ISU's next senior vice president for student affairs, subject to approval by the state Board of Regents. He will transition from his current post -- associate vice president for student affairs -- to senior VP over the next month.
'Daily' group expands into creative services
The publishers of the university's student newspaper have added a creative services unit -- Model Farm -- to provide project help in photography, videography, graphic design and copywriting.
Better health is one click away with new website A new website with links, news and announcements related to employee wellness at Iowa State is the latest development in the ISU WellBeing program.
Labor of lumber Second-year architecture students recently collaborated on an installation made from two-by-two pieces of lumber and deck screws. The structure, called "TwoXTwo," will be on display in the College of Design atrium through March 11.
The following announcements were added this week:
- TIAA-CREF simplifies name, website
- City seeks your ideas to enhance Lincoln Way
- Registration is open for Kids' Co'Motion summer dance
- Designers to discuss the fashionable side of STEM
- New theater scholarships available for incoming freshmen
- Funds available for 100 undergrad research positions
- DNA facility has long-read sequencer
New round of seed funding for data-driven science The Presidential Initiative for Interdisciplinary Research in Data Driven Science has launched a new round of internal funding to develop cross-college research teams to pursue external research grants in Big Data. Initial white-paper proposals are due March 21. Sustainability symposium takes two-evening format A keynote address, green fair and documentary screening will anchor the annual Symposium on Sustainability, held Monday and Tuesday evenings, Feb. 29-March 1. Spring break travel advice: Protect against Zika virusThielen Student Health Center leaders share tips for protection against mosquito bites for travelers to some parts of the world. Marketing drives return on social investmentAn Iowa State study shows that strong marketing is crucial for businesses to see a return on their socially responsible investments.
Open houses and receptions
This week
- Retirement: Susan Rhoades, Academic Success Center, Feb. 26 (10:30 a.m.-noon, program at 11 a.m., MU Gallery)
Next week
- Retirement: Donna Nelson, animal science, Feb. 29 (4-5 p.m., Kildee atrium)
- Retirement: Steve Rentschler, facilities planning and management, March 10 (noon-2 p.m., program at 1 p.m., 162 General Services Building)
Details about these events are on the university calendar.
Upcoming seminars and conferences
- Iowa NSF EPSCoR Energy Policy Seminar, "Transition Costs for Cellulosic Biofuels: Overcoming the Mountain of Despair," Nathan Parker, Arizona State University, March 2 (3:40-5 p.m., 1306 Elings)
- Seminar, Early Career Foundation Research Awards, award recipients will share tips on applying for and managing foundation awards, March 7 (2-3:30 p.m., MU South Ballroom), register online
The best of the Big 12
Iowa State will host the Big 12 Conference indoor track and field championships Friday and Saturday in the Lied Center. Tickets are $7 at the door.
'Dangerous' takes the Fisher stage ISU Theatre kicks off its spring productions with a two-weekend run of the adult-themed drama Les Liaisons Dangereuses, beginning Feb. 26 at Fisher Theater. Tickets are $18 ($16 for seniors and $11 for students) through Ticketmaster or at the Iowa State Center box office.
Hilton hosts basketball finales The Cyclone men's and women's basketball teams close out their regular-season home schedules within the next week. The men host sold-out games against Kansas State Feb. 27 (5 p.m.) and Oklahoma State Feb. 29 (6 p.m.). The women face West Virginia March 1 (7 p.m.); tickets are $5-$12.More campus events Talks, performances, athletic contests and other campus events are listed on the university calendar.
CELT programming
Registration is required via Learn@ISU (log in with Net ID and password).
University human resources programming
Registration is required via Learn@ISU (log in with Net ID and password)
- Class, Addressing Conflict Using the Tools of Employee Engagement, April 5 (9-11 a.m., MU Gold Room)
- Class, Civility in Today's Workplace, April 14 (8:30-10:30 a.m., MU Gold Room)
Submitting your news Inside Update is published Thursday mornings by the Office of University Relations. Send Update news to inside@iastate.edu. For questions call 515-294-7958. Update archives