Iowa State reaches reaccreditation milestone
Iowa State notched 100 years of continuous accreditation with its recent reaccreditation by the Higher Learning Commission. The HLC continued the university accreditation with no further comments, suggestions or conditions.
Another peek inside Marston Hall A 22-month renovation of the administrative home for the College of Engineering is heading toward completion in early June. Inside recently toured the work site to provide a visual update.
Regents hear about employee recruitment consortium, Des Moines-area education study An annual distance education report, 2016-17 proposed parking rates, a larger budget for the biosciences building projects and a physics-engineering articulation agreement with Northern Iowa also were on the state Board of Regents' Feb. 25 agenda.
Get your game on with intramurals Faculty and staff members with recreation services memberships have the opportunity to participate in more than 40 intramural activities.
The following announcements were added this week:
- Career fair for K-12 teachers is March 4
- Nominations due March 25 for University Honors teaching, mentoring award
- Chicago concert at Stephens set for Aug. 10
- Registration open for TAG summer camps (grades 3-11)
- New round of seed funding to advance data-driven science
ISCORE begins today with professional development workshop
Iowa State's annual conference on race and ethnicity returns for its 17th year, now named for founder and retiring vice president for student affairs Tom Hill. ISU employees are invited to participate in a professional development opportunity today (11:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Memorial Union). A full slate of presentations and discussions for the university community is on tap for Friday. Registration is free.
Iowa State to host regional center for food safety ISU will become a regional center for food safety in an effort to help businesses that grow and process food comply with new federal regulations. The center will be one of four regional centers established by new rules aimed at stopping foodborne illness.
Open houses and receptions
Next week
- Retirement: Steve Rentschler, facilities planning and management, March 10 (noon-2 p.m., program at 1 p.m., 162 General Services Building)
Details about these events are on the university calendar.
Upcoming seminars and conferences
Cy-Hawk series in Hilton
The Iowa State gymnastics team hosts Iowa Friday night in Hilton Coliseum (6:30 p.m.). Tickets are $5 for adults and $4 for youth. Only two contests remain in the Iowa Corn Cy-Hawk Series, in which the Hawkeyes hold a 12-8 advantage in the standings. The softball teams face off April 20 in Ames to conclude this year's series.
Next ArtWalk is at Curtiss Hall The Dean's Gallery, first floor of Curtiss Hall, is the focus of the next ArtWalk on March 9 (noon-12:50 p.m., meet in the gallery). The tour will showcase the pastels of Ellen Wagener's four seasons, and a new portrait of George Washington Carver and Henry Wallace by Iowa artist Rose Frantzen. More campus events Talks, performances, athletic contests and other campus events are listed on the university calendar.
CELT/Library programming
Registration is required via Learn@ISU (log in with Net ID and password).
- Workshop, Documenting (and Boosting) Your Research Impact, Lorrie Pellack, ISU library, March 3 (3-4:40 p.m., 134 Parks Library), relevant for faculty in all disciplines and ranks, bring your laptop
Provost office programming
Professional and Scientific Council programming
View past presentations at Learn@ISU (log in with Net ID and password).
University human resources programming
Registration is required via Learn@ISU (log in with Net ID and password).
- Class, Money at Work 1: Foundations of Investing, March 28 (noon-1 p.m., MU Pioneer Room)
- Class, Leadership at Any Level, April 1 (9-11 a.m., MU Gold Room)
Submitting your news Inside Update is published Thursday mornings by the Office of University Relations. Send Update news to inside@iastate.edu. For questions call 515-294-7958. Update archives