Leath announces reorganization plan
President Steven Leath will reorganize ISU business and financial operations this summer. Several other changes in reporting structures and position titles also are planned.
HS dean candidate visits next week Laura Jolly, professor of textiles, merchandising and interiors at the University of Georgia, is the second finalist announced in the College of Human Sciences dean search. Jolly will visit campus Tuesday-Wednesday.
Strategic plan A draft of Iowa State's next strategic plan is ready for review. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to read and comment on the document, which lays out Iowa State's priorities and focus over the next six years.
Viewpoints: Cellphones in the classroom Are they a distraction, valuable, necessary, guilty pleasure or fledgling chimera in need of some guidance? ISU instructors and staff share their thoughts.
ISU, city team on Lincoln Way safety study A safer Lincoln Way is the end goal of a study of the "Iowa State" stretch of the busy road. The study makes use of video cams to count and record behavior of vehicles and pedestrians at intersections and mid-block crossings.
In-demand degrees A quick look at the top three bachelor's degrees, by college, conferred at Iowa State last year.
The following announcements were added this week:
- Construction begins next week to add parking north of Insectary
- Look for 1095-C form in your home mail
- Extension and Outreach Week focus: A strong Iowa
- Register to volunteer at Special Olympics summer games in May
- IRS warns against phishing scheme to get W-2s
- 'Peppa Pig' show coming to Stephens in October
- Lawnmower service days are April 1-2
- Seminar on publication and peer review is Thursday afternoon
- Project LEA/RN workshop is May 10-11
- The Force Awakens added to Cyclone Cinema spring lineup
- Statewide tornado drill moved to March 24
- Library workshops focus on humanities, digital files
- April 9 science fair is open to elementary students
Collaboration yields computer cost savings
Faculty, staff and IT professionals will be able to get enterprise-quality computers for less through an agreement jointly negotiated by the state universities.
International effort: Land-based ecosystems contribute to climate change Assistant professor Chaoqun Lu is part of a 23-scientist team whose Nature-published research found that the methane and nitrous oxide released from the terrestrial biosphere (all land-based ecosystems on the planet) make it a net contributor of greenhouse gas emissions.
Iowa State researcher uncovers links between obesity and the brain Auriel Willette, assistant professor of food science and human nutrition, examines the links between obesity and the brain. His research illuminates the role of brain structure and function in several health areas, including Alzheimer's, Type 2 diabetes and stress.
Technology can help improve access to food An Iowa State research team says government use of information and communication technology can help increase food security and distribution in developing countries.
- Karin Dorman, statistics and genetics, development and cell biology, to Dale D. Grosvenor Chair, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Paul Ferrone, Ferrone and Associates, to development and sponsorship manager, VenuWorks (Iowa State Center), effective March 28
Open houses and receptions
This week
- Reception: "Art + Music = Life2" exhibit, March 26 (6-8 p.m., Design on Main Gallery, 203 Main St.)
Next week
- Retirement: Rob Louden, printing and copy services, April 1 (1-2 p.m., 2333 Printing and Publication Building)
- Retirement: Linda Johnson, IT services, April 1 (2-4 p.m., 2414 Friley)
- Reception: "Unrestrained Exploration of Creative Design Scholarship: A Retrospective of Doctoral Work by Ling Zhang," April 3 (3-6 p.m., program with the artist at 4 p.m., 2019 Morrill)
- Reception: "Focus" and "APEX" student art exhibits, April 6 (6:30-8 p.m., MU Pioneer Room)
- Retirement: Sue Kepley, Central Stores, April 8 (1-3:30 p.m., presentation at 2 p.m., 162 General Services Building)
Details about these events are on the university calendar.
Upcoming seminars and conferences
- NSF EPSCoR Energy Policy Seminar Series, "Hotelling Under Pressure," Soren Anderson, Michigan State University, March 25 (noon-1:20 p.m., 1306 Elings)
- HPC Lecture, "Efficient Eigensolver Methods for Very Large, Sparse Matrices Using High-performance Computers," James Vary, ISU physics, April 6 (4:10 p.m., 0003 Physics)
- Laura Jolly, University of Georgia: March 29, 4-5 p.m., 0210 Bessey
- Candidate 3: April 5, 4-5 p.m., 0210 Bessey
In the swing of things
A homestand is on the schedule for the Cyclone softball team this weekend, weather permitting. Iowa State is slated to face North Dakota State in a Saturday double-header. The first game begins at noon; admission is free.
Children's egg hunt is Saturday morning Reiman Gardens is the site for a spring egg hunt for children in sixth grade and younger on Saturday, March 26 (9-11 a.m.). Admission is free for everyone; children will search for colorful eggs to trade in for a goodie bag. There also will be craft and activity stations. In case of inclement weather, activities will move indoors.More campus events Talks, performances, athletic contests and other campus events are listed on the university calendar.
Provost office programming
Register via Learn@ISU (log in with Net ID and password).
- Panel discussion for non-tenure eligible faculty, Career management and planning, preparing for performance reviews and advancement, supervising TAs and more, panelists are five ISU faculty members, April 5 (9-10 a.m., MU Cardinal Room)
Vice president for research programming
CELT programming
Register via Learn@ISU (log in with Net ID and password). All events meet in 2030 Morrill.
- Seminar, Writing in ThinkSpace, a Web-based Tool for Learning, March 25 (2-3 p.m.)
- Seminar, Strategies for Incorporating Game-based Learning into the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, March 29 (12:10-1 p.m.)
- Webinar, Preparing for the College Students of Tomorrow in Science and Math, April 6 (noon-1 p.m., or view on your own)
- Panel, How to Manage Disruptive or Distressed Students in Your Classroom, April 7 (12:10-1 p.m.)
- Seminar, Online Accessibility and Universal Design at Iowa State University, April 8 (11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.)
University human resources programming
Register via Learn@ISU (log in with Net ID and password).
- Class, Tools for Managing Workplace Conflict, April 5 (9-11 a.m., MU Gold Room)
- Class, Energy Management, April 14 (9 a.m.-noon, MU Pioneer Room)
Submitting your news Inside Update is published Thursday mornings by the Office of University Relations. Send Update news to inside@iastate.edu. For questions call 515-294-7958. Update archives