Inside Iowa State for faculty and staff
June 23, 2016 
Inside news
Five questions for a master of glass
Trond Forre is a scientific glassblower -- one of just two in the state of Iowa. He creates and repairs specialty items in the chemistry department's glass shop for customers on campus and around the world.

Change season in institutional research
A national search for the next director will begin soon; IR team joins other university offices in campustown building.

Accessibility stylin'
Those Word docs you're uploading probably aren't accessible. You can fix that with a little format and styling.

More news
The following announcements were added this week:
  • Three offices moved to Kingland Building this week
  • Session on web image, color accessibility is June 23
  • Mental health first aid training offered for employees in July

Around campus
Change agent: Ajay Nair
Meet an assistant professor of horticulture who travels the state to help Iowa's fruit and vegetable growers improve their operations.

Simpler diagnostic samples
ISU researchers developed an easier method for collecting oral fluid samples from pigs, an alternative to costly individual blood draws.
Adolescent factors predict female obesity
An ISU study found that young women are prone to obesity when subjected to food insecurity and harsh parenting during their adolescent years.

  • Sarah Kaatz, interim assistant director of the office for responsible research, to director
Open houses and receptions
This week
  • Retirement: Warren Madden, business and finance, June 24 (4 p.m. program in Benton Auditorium, reception follows until 7 p.m. on second floor Scheman Building)
Next week
  • Retirement: Mandi Anderson, School of Education, June 29 (1-3 p.m. Lagomarcino north atrium)
  • Retirement: Phyllis Kendall, School of Education, June 30 (10 a.m.-noon, Lagomarcino north atrium)
  • Retirement: Gebre Tesfagiorgis, institutional research, June 30 (1-3 p.m., program at 1:30 p.m., 3150 Beardshear)
Details about these events are on the university calendar.

Arts and events
Lilies, bees part of Saturday celebration
Reiman Gardens plays host to the Iowa Regional Lily Society's annual show and a celebration of National Pollinator Week on Saturday, June 25.

Cyclone representation at Des Moines art festival
ISU graduate students Clark Colby (architecture) and Karen Doty (computer science); and recent alumni Kristen Greteman (architecture, community and regional planning), Kayla Parker (integrated studio arts) and Kyle Kephart (management) fill five of the 11 "Emerging Iowa Artists" spots at this weekend's Des Moines Arts Festival, June 24-26 in downtown's Western Gateway Park. Admission is free.

More campus events
Talks, performances, athletic contests and other campus events are listed on the university calendar.

Professional development
University human resources programming
Register via Learn@ISU.
  • Class, People Admin 7: Creating a Posting, Managing Applicants and the Hiring Process, July 13 (1:30-4 p.m.)
  • Class, Dealing with Difficult People, Aug. 4 (8:30-10:30 a.m.)
Previous Inside coverage
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Inside Update is published Thursday mornings by the Office of University Relations. Send Update news to For questions call 515-294-7958.
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