Regents approve tuition increases
The state Board of Regents approved an unusual second round of tuition increases, including a $250 hike for resident undergraduates who previously were looking at a tuition freeze.
Color your website accessible About 1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women have some form of color blindness. Here's how to make sure your colorful website meets their needs.
Iowa State tops external funding record in FY16 ISU attracted $425.8 million in external funding for the fiscal year that ended June 30, including $252.5 million to support research projects. Those projects include work in data-driven science, resilience of plants and animals in response to climate change, next-generation education programs and advanced manufacturing.
Moving day The first of Marston Hall's tenants are moving in this week, with complete occupation expected by the end of July. The 113-year-old building underwent a two-year, $27.1 million renovation.
The following announcements were added this week:
- Memorial service for Brian Mennecke is July 23
- Rent art at Aug. 2-3 open house
- Volunteers still needed for state fair exhibit
- Gifts to ISU Foundation will honor George Jackson
Interns to provide virtual nutrition help
ISU dietetic interns will provide nutrition coaching and wellness information to low-income families, via a smartphone app. The program is part of a national health initiative.
Nuter accepts new position Julie Nuter, vice president for university human resources, has accepted a position with the University of Chicago's Argonne National Laboratory. Her last day at Iowa State is July 29.
Open houses and receptions
Next week
- Retirement: Tom Loynachan, agronomy, July 28 (3-5 p.m., program at 3:15 p.m., MU Gallery)
- Retirement: Richard VanDePol, ISU agricultural engineering/agronomy research farm, Aug. 3 (noon-3 p.m., ISU research farm, 1308 U Ave., Boone, program begins at 1 p.m.)
Details about these events are on the university calendar.
Next week at Reiman Gardens
Programs require preregistration and prepayment:
- Micro Mosaic Scale Model Workshop, July 23 (1-4 p.m.), $32-$40
- Toying with Technology for Kids, July 23 (10-11 a.m. or 11 a.m.-noon), $12-$15
- Youth Floral Arranging, July 24 (1:30-2:30 p.m.), $28-$35
- Colorful Dyes from Plants, July 25 (6-8 p.m.), $12-$15
- Plant Pals: Weeds and Water, July 28 (10-11 a.m.), $2-$6
- Botanical Zendoodle Workshop for Kids, July 29 (9:30 a.m.-noon), $16-$20
More campus events
Talks, performances, athletic contests and other campus events are listed on the university calendar.
Register now for teaching symposium
Registration is open for the Aug. 16 CELT Teaching Symposium (8 a.m.-noon, Scheman). New faculty and teaching assistants will learn about teaching, CELT services, resources and professional development opportunities.
CELT programming University human resources programming
- Class, Position Description Writing and Position Management Training, Sept. 1 (8:30-10 a.m.)
- Class series, Leadership at Any Level, begins Sept. 8 (9-11 a.m.)
Submitting your news Inside Update is published Thursday mornings by the Office of University Relations. Send Update news to inside@iastate.edu. For questions call 515-294-7958. Update archives