Experience art in the making at the Iowa State Fair
Art, landscaping and architecture will be showcased in the university's "Your Beautiful Adventure" state fair exhibit, Aug. 11-21 in the Varied Industries Building. Works from university museums' Art on Campus collection will be on display, with 20 portraits of Iowa Staters added as they're painted on site.
Training time for most faculty and staff It's Title IX and harassment training time for most faculty and staff. In a Friday email from Workplace Answers, many employees will receive links to online training. By law, all employees need to complete the training every two years.
Finalists named for new LGBTQA+ post
The following announcements were added this week:
- Reminder: Summer office hours end Aug. 12
- EH&S hosts lab safety orientation for graduate students this month
- South 16th Street closed next week east of Vet Med
- Widespread Panic concert tickets go on sale Aug. 12
- Sept. 17 STEMFest welcomes exhibitors; register now
See: Announcements
Darr named interim VP for university human resources
Cruising through the sunflower state Iowa State's student solar car team has battled through almost daily setbacks -- some having little to do with solar power -- as it competes this week in the eight-day, 1,975-mile American Solar Challenge winding across seven Midwestern states. Thursday morning finds the team departing from Topeka, Kansas.
Student proposal captures Winterset library competition A team of undergraduate interdisciplinary design students won a competition to create outdoor public art for Winterset's public library. Iowa State was one of three universities invited to submit proposals.
Drivers be aware: A new look for Pammel Drive The former four-lane road was repaired, resurfaced and restriped last month as a two-lane road with left turn lanes and painted center medians. A final task is scheduled for this weekend: painting new approaches on Pammel east of Stange and west of Bissell to align vehicles with the two-lane format ahead of them.
- Tony Thrush, Alt Studios, Urbandale, to agency director, Model Farm (ISU Daily Media Group), effective July 18
Open houses and receptions
Next week
- Retirement: Scott White, recreation services, Aug. 11 (4-6 p.m., State Gym south parking lot)
- Open house: ISU Alumni Center rental spaces and catering, food and beverage samples, Aug. 12 (3:30-5:30 p.m., 420 Beach Ave.), RSVP by Aug. 8
Details about these events are on the university calendar.
LGBTQA+ Affairs project director finalists
Four finalists have been named for this new position in the office of the vice president for diversity and inclusion. Campus forums for the four will be held from 2 to 3 p.m. on these dates:
- Aug. 12, Daniel Hoffman-Zinnel, MU Gallery Room
- Aug. 16, Paul Hengesteg, MU Gallery Room
- Aug. 17, Nicci Port, 0268 Carver
- Aug. 18, David Green Jr., 3512 MU
Webinar series for pet owners kicks off next week
Veterinary Medicine faculty launch a new free webinar series on Tuesday, Aug. 9. Assistant professor Chad Johannes will offer "Recognizing Cancer Symptoms in Dogs and Cats" at 6 p.m. Pet owners receive webinar access directions when they register online. The series will feature five webinars a year on useful topics to pet owners.
More campus events
Talks, performances, athletic contests and other campus events are listed on the university calendar.
CELT expands walk-in support for instructional design this month
CELT is offering additional walk-in support for instructional design (Blackboard, TopHat and classroom technologies) for the next three weeks at its online learning innovation hub, 281 Parks Library. Monday through Friday during the weeks of Aug. 8, 15 and 22, receive help from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. No registration is needed. Bring your laptop and your work and get answers to your questions. Beginning Aug. 29, walk-in support returns to its regular time, Tuesdays 1-3 p.m.
University human resources programming
- Class, Understanding FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act), training for supervisors, Sept. 8 (11 a.m.-noon)
- Class, Building an Effective Team, Sept. 8 (1-3 p.m.)
Submitting your news Inside Update is published Thursday mornings by the Office of University Relations. Send Update news to inside@iastate.edu. For questions call 515-294-7958. Update archives