Land-grant hunt is on. Check the map.
A historical treasure hunt is underway as Extension staff attempt to identify owners of the 1860s land-grant parcels that were rented and later sold to support Iowa State. Northwest Iowa landowners are encouraged to check the Iowa land-grant map online to see if they own a little bit of history.
More news
The following announcements were added this week:
- Security alert: W-2 request is a con
- Register for March 1, 3 ISCORE events
- Nominations open for gender and sexuality equity awards
- Accounting students offer free tax assistance Feb. 15-April 10
- Candidates for international students and scholars director interview next week
- Poster, award deadline is Feb. 22 for campus green event
- Training for youth program leaders is Feb. 9
- Two upcoming research opportunities for undergrads
- Walk-in consultation program available to students
- OPPTAG summer proposal deadline extended to Feb. 3
Reading clinic expands off campus
The School of Education's Fred Duffelmeyer Reading Improvement Clinic is piloting an off-campus program this semester, taking ISU student tutors into an Ames elementary school.
Kingland gift targets three colleges A $1.5 million gift from ISU alums David and Deb Kingland and the Kingland company will support scholarships, named faculty positions and student organizations in the colleges of Business, Liberal Arts and Sciences, and Engineering. The gift's focus is data analytics.
Jackson to step down from wrestling post Cyclone head wrestling coach Kevin Jackson announced Tuesday that he will leave his position at the conclusion of the season and take an administrative role in the athletics department.
Open houses and receptions
This week
- Retirement: Ila Haugen, Ames Laboratory, Feb. 2 (2-4 p.m., 301 Spedding)
- Reception: "Earth as Art" exhibit, Feb. 2 (5-8 p.m., Design on Main gallery, 203 Main St., talk at 6:30 p.m.)
- Retirement: Glenda Ashley, Center for Survey Statistics and Methodology, Feb. 3 (no public event)
- Retirement: Bill Frazier, IT Services, Feb. 3 (no public event)
Next week
- Open house: "RED" exhibit, Feb. 6 (11 a.m.-4 p.m., Christian Petersen Art Museum, Morrill)
- Open house: Commemoration of Thomas Edison's birthday, Feb. 11 (1-4 p.m., Farm House Museum)
- Reception: Joe Cordray and Joe Sebranek, animal science, Meat Industry Hall of Fame inductees, Feb. 14 (3-5 p.m., program at 4 p.m., Kildee atrium)
- Retirement: Vince Lawson, Muscatine Island Research Farm, Fruitland, Feb. 15 (2:30-3:30 p.m., program at 2:45 p.m., MU Pioneer Room)
Details about these events are on the university calendar.
Upcoming seminars and conferences
- Research seminar series for undergraduates, "Novel Mechanisms of Muscle Dysfunction in Dystrophic Skeletal Muscle," Joshua Selsby, animal science; "Novel Iron Compound to Improve Iron Absorption," Manju Reddy, food science and human nutrition, Feb. 8 (3:10-4 p.m., 2155 Marston)
- Symposium on Sustainability, "There is No Planet B," Feb. 27 (7-9 p.m.) and 28 (5-9:30 p.m.), Memorial Union
Workshops for food and animal reviews
SYREAF training on systematic reviews of animal health and welfare and food safety, hosted by the College of Veterinary Medicine. Register for both workshops ($1,500) or individually; add $200 to all registrations after April 15.
11 a.m.- noon, MU Soults Family Visitor Center
- Feb. 6, Sara Thurston, Kansas State University, Manhattan
- Feb. 7, Roopa Rawjee, Bridgewater State University, Massachusetts
- Feb. 8, Krista McCallum Beatty, Ohio University, Athens
- Feb. 10 (2:50-3:50 p.m., MU Gold Room), Candidate 3, rescheduled from Jan. 23
West campus development
FPM staff will share early plans and answer questions about several building, utility and road projects on the west side of campus (2017-20) during a campus forum on Wednesday, Feb. 15 (4:10 p.m., 0308 Elings). All are welcome.
Celebrating black history
Barjché: 71 years and counting Modern dance enthusiasts have three chances to see Iowa State's 71st annual performance of Barjché at Fisher Theater, on Feb. 3 and 4 (7:30 p.m.) and Feb. 5 (2 p.m.). Tickets are $12 (students $10) and available at the Iowa State Center ticket office or through Ticketmaster.
More campus events
Talks, performances, athletic contests and other campus events are listed on the university calendar.
Provost office programming
Vice president for research programming
CELT programming
LGBT student services programming
University human resources programming
- Class, Building an Effective Team, March 30 (1-3 p.m.)
- Class, 10 Questions to Ask Your Aging Parents, April 4 (noon-1 p.m.)
Submitting your news Inside Update is published Thursday mornings by the Office of University Relations. Send Update news to inside@iastate.edu. Questions may be directed to 515-294-7065. Update archives