Changes to merit employment system take effect July 1
The 2017 Legislature changed state law governing rights for public employees. Key changes at Iowa State include a move to the ISU Plan health and dental plans and the end of employee seniority lists. Topic-specific emails and training meetings for merit employees and their supervisors will provide more information.
A closer look: Merit employees will migrate to ISU Plan
Current employees will move to the new plan on Jan. 1; meetings this month will detail coverage options.
Council recommends 3 percent salary increases
The Professional and Scientific Council closed out its 2017-18 docket with an FY18 salary recommendation and a motion stemming from work by a shared governance committee. Council members also heard from Ben Allen, who shared his goals as interim president.
A lean operating budget
Reductions in state support will mean no across-the-board salary increases on July 1 for faculty, P&S employees. Targeted increases for high performers and equity or market demands will need a division leader's approval.
Candidates to interview for business services assistant VP
Three finalists have been selected for the assistant vice president for business services post in the university services division. Open forums are scheduled as part of the campus interviews.
Regents propose new phased retirement program
The proposal offers two- and one-year phased options; eligibility requirements (57 years of age, 15 years of service) would not change.
Nursing degree proposal goes to regents
Board members also will look at merit employee anniversary step increases, building projects at Vet Med and Sukup Hall, and bringing back a public comment period at board meetings. The meeting is June 7-8 in Cedar Falls.
More news
The following announcements were added this week:
- University state fair exhibit in need of 18 more volunteers
- P&S employees are encouraged to complete job tool this month
- Annual creek cleanup is scheduled for June 24
- FBI-led workshop in July focuses on academic biosecurity
- Lot 49, access to Gerdin dock closed for a week
- Chemistry Stores is closed June 13-15 for inventorying
Compost facility is the solution to varied campus needs
Last year alone, the facility composted nearly 8,500 tons of raw material from university sources that included food, yard and animal waste.
A prescription for pork production
Researchers are examining how commonly prescribed drugs move through and exit pigs, with an eye on food safety improvements.
Open houses and receptions
This week
- Retirement: Steve Mahoney, ecology, evolution and organismal biology, June 1 (2-4 p.m., program at 2:30 p.m., MU Gallery)
- Retirement: Kathy Birdsall, IT services, June 2 (no public event)
- Retirement: Julie Carroll, IT services, June 2 (no public event)
- Retirement: Sue Spencer, IT services, June 2 (no public event)
Next week
- Retirement: Patty Hefflefinger, College of Business career services, June 8 (no public event)
- Open house: ISU Dairy Farm, June 9 (6-11 a.m., 52470 260 St., west of University Boulevard)
- Reception: "Parallels: The Architecture of Impermanence" exhibit, with artist Joe Patrick, June 11 (2-4 p.m., remarks at 2:30 p.m., Brunnier Art Museum, 295 Scheman)
- Retirement: Lynn Henn, Committee for Agricultural Development, June 14 (1:30-3 p.m., program at 1:45 p.m., 0142 Curtiss)
- Retirement: Shirley Huck, Center for Survey Statistics and Methodology, June 22 (2-4 p.m., 115 Office and Lab)
Details about these events are on the university calendar.
Board of regents public hearing
Record your comments about any item on the board's June agenda at a June 1 public hearing (noon-1 p.m., MU Gold Room). An agenda and meeting materials for the board's June 7-8 meeting in Cedar Falls is available on the regents meeting site. (Newly elected board president Michael Richards also will pilot a public comment time at the June 8 meeting.)
The big reveal
The PrISUm solar car team will unveil its 2017 solar utility vehicle, Penumbra, on Friday, June 2 (3-5 p.m., Alumni Center). The event kicks off Penumbra's summer SunRun outreach tour, with stops in all 99 Iowa counties. The team is preparing to compete in the 2017 Bridgestone World Solar Challenge, a race across Australia, Oct. 8-15.
Learn something new From dancing, to photography, to meditation and more, several activities and classes are available to the public during the summer months. Classes may be offered individually or as a series. Programming information and costs are available on the Reiman Gardens and Workspace websites.
More campus events Talks, performances, athletic contests and other campus events are listed on the university calendar.
Submitting your news
Inside Update is published Thursday mornings by the Office of University Relations. Send Update news to inside@iastate.edu. Questions may be directed to 515-294-7065. Update archives