Summer enrollment sets another record
Summer enrollment has climbed to 12,060 students; nearly one-third of them are taking online classes only.
Five things to know about the Grants Hub
Regents approve nursing degree; give green light to Gerdin addition planning In a special meeting June 28, the state Board of Regents gave final approval to Iowa State's bachelor of science in nursing program and a new phased retirement option for regents employees. Planning will begin for an estimated $22 million east addition to the Gerdin Business Building.
Tracking WorkCyte progress A timeline that tracks the implementation progress of Iowa State's move to enterprise software platforms is available on the WorkCyte website.
University is closed on July 4
University offices are closed and classes recessed on Tuesday, July 4, in observance of the national Independence Day holiday.
The following announcements were added this week:
- P&S employees: Your Job Profile Tool is due June 30
- GoldSheet has new research category section
- Memorial service for Riad Mahayni is June 29
- Plan ahead for first-floor access to Marston elevators July 3-14
Mallapragada appointed to research post
Surya Mallapragada, Distinguished Professor and Carol Vohs Johnson Chair in chemical and biological engineering, will join the office of the vice president for research July 1 as a half-time associate vice president for research.
Change agent: Craig Anderson The Distinguished Professor of psychology known for his expertise on violent video games and aggression actually has played video games since his graduate student days at Stanford University. But the violent ones didn't emerge for several more decades. Read this latest in a News Service series about Iowa Staters whose research is changing the world for the better.
Ames Laboratory director presents to congressional committee Adam Schwartz testified before a subcommittee of the U.S. House Committee on Science, Space and Technology on June 28. The focus of the hearing was materials science.
A successful creek cleanup Volunteers collected nearly 1,000 pounds of trash during Saturday's College Creek cleanup event.
- Cameron Campbell, associate professor of architecture and associate dean for academic programs, to senior associate dean for planning and academic personnel, College of Design, effective July 1
- Sunghyun Kang, professor of graphic design, to interim associate dean for academic programs, College of Design, effective July 1 for one year
Open houses and receptions
This week
- Retirement: Dave Holger, Graduate College and senior vice president and provost's office, June 30 (2-4 p.m., remarks at 2:30 p.m., Beardshear first floor atrium)
- Retirement: Diane Wright, IT services, June 30 (no public event)
Next week
- Farewell: Cynthia Jenks, Ames Laboratory, July 6 (2-4 p.m., 301 Spedding)
- Retirement: John Hauck, IT services, July 7 (no public event)
- Retirement: Diana McLaughlin, economics department, July 7 (no public event)
- Retirement: Teresa Wilcox, facilities planning and management accounting, July 11 (no public event)
Details about these events are on the university calendar.
Fireworks and fun planned for holiday
Several Ames events, spanning two days, are planned as part of this year's Independence Day celebration.
More campus events Talks, performances, athletic contests and other campus events are listed on the university calendar.
Submitting your news
Inside Update is published Thursday mornings by the Office of University Relations. Send Update news to inside@iastate.edu. Questions may be directed to 515-294-7065. Update archives