Iowa State's five-year tuition proposal
Interim President Ben Allen laid out a proposal Wednesday that relies on 7 percent annual increases for resident undergraduates and 4 percent for nonresident undergraduates to begin the task of catching up with a decade of enrollment growth. The priorities include hundreds of new faculty, competitive salaries and reasonable salary increases for employees, additional student financial aid and nearly 1 million square feet of additional building space.
New building is core of research park's sunny outlook As the first central home for Iowa State's economic development agencies, productive chance encounters are meant to be routine at the Economic Development Core Facility, which opened last summer. The gleaming new nexus of the ISU Research Park is expected to have a broad impact in the years to come.
Classification study takes center stage at P&S Council At its Aug. 3 meeting, the Professional and Scientific Council received an update on the classification and compensation review, and discussed a request by university human resources to help organize open forums on the topic.
More news
The following announcements were added this week:
- Poster sale runs Aug. 16-25 at the Memorial Union
- Annual Chalk the Walks promotion is Aug. 15
- Faculty and staff invited to Aug. 24 theater audition
- Watch for traffic congestion during move-in next week
- Summer office hours wind down this week
- Memorial service for former faculty member Philip Allen (Design) is Aug. 11
Skeleton parade
A dozen skeletons and assorted bones were (very carefully) moved this week from Science II to the new Bessey Hall addition. The skeletons are used in human anatomy classes.
Changing plant patterns linked to nonnative species
Spaceflight Ops Workshop launches students on path to operational thinking The fourth Spaceflight Operations Workshop is challenging 12 students physically and mentally -- all with the goal of helping them to learn to think like an operator. Clayton Anderson, a retired astronaut and Iowa State graduate, says that's a valuable perspective for astronauts, engineers and even classroom teachers.
- Mimi Wagner, associate professor of landscape architecture, to director of the interdisciplinary graduate program in sustainable environments, College of Design
- Mira Engler, professor of landscape architecture, to director of the interdisciplinary graduate program in urban design, College of Design
Open houses and receptions
- Welcome reception, hosted by University Museums for faculty and staff, Aug. 21 (4:30-6 p.m., Brunnier Art Museum, Scheman), featuring Maquoketa artist Rose Frantzen's "Faces of Iowa State" portraits
- Open house, lectures program 60th anniversary, Aug. 30 (3:30-5:30 p.m., MU Great Hall)
Details about these events are on the university calendar.
Upcoming seminars and conferences
Fall kickoff events
University-wide and college events are planned to welcome back faculty and staff.
More campus events Talks, performances, athletic contests and other campus events are listed on the university calendar.
Submitting your news
Inside Update is published Thursday mornings by the Office of University Relations. Send Update news to inside@iastate.edu. Questions may be directed to 515-294-7065. Update archives