How, and why, to see Monday's total eclipse
An astronomy professor who has seen three of them says a nearby total solar eclipse is too magnificent to miss. But since eclipse day also is the first day of fall semester, here's how to check in on it locally.
Inside provides a short summary of the five-year tuition proposals the three university presidents presented to a state Board of Regents task force this month. The proposals will be forwarded to the full board next month.
Cemetery stories Taking care of the campus cemetery is more than a job. For groundskeepers Doug Harjes and Cheryl Robinette, it's a privilege.
Summer 2017 in the rearview Here's a look at the what happened across campus this summer.
PeopleAdmin training moves online Individuals who hire university employees can brush up on the PeopleAdmin process through new training courses on Learn@ISU.
More news
The following announcements were added this week:
- Destination Iowa State begins Thursday
- Campus conversation scheduled for Aug. 25
- Campus childcare center has openings for two programs
- Alumni association announces fall tailgate schedule
- Cyclone Fan Fest is Aug. 20
Study shows flaws in threat detection
Studying owl wings in search of quieter flight An Iowa State team is running high-powered computer simulations to learn exactly how owl wings manipulate air flow, pressure and turbulence to create silent flight. Assistant professor Anupam Sharma and his research partners hope their studies will produce practical ideas for making ultraquiet aircraft and wind turbines.
Goal: Faster-loading videos
Waiting for streaming videos to play can be frustrating. Iowa State professor Aditya Ramamoorthy received a three-year federal grant to study how to reduce those network delays.
Sukup will have research park office
Sheffield-based Sukup Manufacturing Co. will open an office in the ISU Research Park after Sept. 1. The intent is to make the most of the skills and expertise of Iowa State students and research park staff.
Open houses and receptions
This week
- Retirement: Mark Chidister, College of Design administration, Aug. 18 (6-8 p.m., program at 6:30 p.m., College of Design atrium), during the college's fall kickoff reception for faculty and staff
Next week
- Welcome reception: Hosted by University Museums for faculty and staff, Aug. 21 (4:30-6 p.m., Brunnier Art Museum, Scheman), featuring Maquoketa artist Rose Frantzen's "Faces of Iowa State" portraits
- Reception: Lectures program 60th anniversary, Aug. 30 (3:30-5:30 p.m., MU Great Hall)
- Retirement: Mark Renoux, facilities planning and management, Sept. 1 (9:30-11 a.m., program at 10 a.m., 0162 General Services Building)
Details about these events are on the university calendar.
It's Cyclone season
The annual Cyclone Fan Fest kicks off the 2017-18 athletics season with family-friendly activities on Sunday, Aug. 20 (noon-3 p.m., Bergstrom Football Complex). Coaches, athletes and spirit squad members will be available for photos and autographs. Merchandise and food will be available for purchase. Admission is free.
Last weekend of the fair
The Iowa State Fair runs through Sunday, Aug. 20, on the east side of Des Moines. If you go, stop by the university exhibit in the Varied Industries Building.
More campus events Talks, performances, athletic contests and other campus events are listed on the university calendar.
Vice president for research programming
- Research Orientation for New Faculty, Aug. 29 (8:30-11 a.m.), register
- Two-day boot camp for faculty and staff, Responsible Conduct of Research, satisfies NIH and NSF requirement, Sept. 7-8 (8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. daily), register
- Using Campus Resources to Find Funding Opportunities, Sept. 12 (11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.), register
- Navigating Your Research with Human Subjects: The Institutional Review Board Submission Process, Sept. 13 (11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.), register
Submitting your news
Inside Update is published Thursday mornings by the Office of University Relations. Send Update news to inside@iastate.edu. Questions may be directed to 515-294-7065. Update archives