Enrollment, affordability lead to rise in NTE instruction
Up to 41 percent of teaching at Iowa State is handled by non-tenure-eligible faculty and staff. Provost Jonathan Wickert shared the data in his annual NTE instruction report to the Faculty Senate this week.
Next steps for the campus climate survey
What you need to know about winter break Winter break is coming, which means many university employees will take off an extended stretch of time. Here's a primer on how it works.
What's open, what's closed during winter break
Free New York Times to continue, Wall Street Journal may be added The library will pick up the tab to retain a free campuswide subscription to the New York Times that student government senators voted against renewing last month. In addition, students, faculty and staff may gain new access next year to the Wall Street Journal.
Chief of police discusses department goals, challenges with P&S Council
Students develop signature ice cream flavor The winning team used ingredients inspired by alumni George Washington Carver and Mildred Day.
Adieu, until January
This is the final Inside Iowa State of the semester. Our next issue will post on Thursday, Jan. 4; spring semester classes begin Jan. 8.
More news
The following announcements were added this week:
- Save the date: Women Impacting ISU calendar shared at Jan. 10 reception
- Library facilities modify hours during winter break
- Greeting card upcycling program is discontinued
- Underground work at Lincoln Way/Beach intersection scheduled over break
- FPM launches a speakers bureau
See: Announcements
Rothschild named to National Academy of Inventors
Max Rothschild, a C.F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor in Agriculture and Life Sciences and the Ensminger Endowed Chair of International Agriculture, was named a fellow by the National Academy of Inventors. Rothschild's discoveries in swine genetics have earned multiple U.S. and international patents.
Researchers developing, testing nanovaccine to protect against the flu virus
A team of researchers working across disciplines and universities is developing a flu nanovaccine that preliminary studies suggest could be more effective than today's seasonal shots. The project is a good example of how the Nanovaccine Institute, based at Iowa State, is designed to work.
Open houses and receptions
Next week
- Farewell: Trevor Nelson, Study Abroad Center, Dec. 19 (2-4 p.m., program at 2:30 p.m., MU Campanile Room)
- Customer appreciation open house: Chemistry Stores, Dec. 20 (8:30 a.m.-2 p.m., 1400 Gilman)
- Retirement: Ambar Mitra, aerospace engineering, Dec. 31 (no public event)
- Retirement: Cheryl Robinette, facilities planning and management, Jan. 3 (1-2:30 p.m., program at 1:30 p.m., 0162 General Services Building)
- Retirement: Dawn Hitsman, office of risk management, Jan. 5 (2-4 p.m., 1155 Administrative Services Building)
- Reception: Women Impacting ISU 2018 calendar, Jan. 10 (3:30-5 p.m., program at 4 p.m., MU Sun Room)
Details about these events are on the university calendar.
Upcoming seminars and conferences
Another record group graduates this semester
More than 2,400 students are completing their degree programs this month, another record for December graduation. After eight years with a single winter ceremony, Iowa State returns to two commencement ceremonies this weekend.
Events continue through holiday break If you're hosting out-of-town guests over winter break and need a few ideas for your back pocket, Inside compiled a short list of ISU events in the coming weeks.
More campus events
Talks, performances, athletic contests and other campus events are listed on the university calendar.
Professional and Scientific Council programming
Submitting your news
Inside Update is published Thursday mornings by the Office of University Relations. Send Update news to inside@iastate.edu. Questions may be directed to 515-294-7065. Update archives