Most of midyear reversion to be absorbed centrally
Just $1.42 million of the $5.4 million state funding reduction is being distributed among university divisions. Among the priorities held harmless: the seven colleges, library, central research, extension and student financial aid.
Senate will vote May 1 on NTE faculty changes
Employee reps share need for salary increases with regents Faculty Senate president Tim Day and P&S Council president Jessica Bell's comments to the state Board of Regents share similar themes: Employees are doing more with less (repeatedly), with little indication the tide could change.
Tuition increase proposal awaits June decision
New hammock posts take pressure off trees With usage on the upswing in recent years, hammocks have taken a toll on many historic Iowa State trees. A pilot project near the campanile offers an alternative way to relax in a hammock without stressing out a tree.
More news
The following announcements were added this week:
- Parks Library will be open 24/7 April 22-May 4
- Memorial service for Dick Manatt is April 26
- Catt Center director finalist forums begin next week
- New contracted travel agency offers orientation sessions
- Enrollment open for Summer Youth Fitness program
- 10th annual campus food drive begins April 23
- Honors program poster presentation is April 25
- Tickets on sale Friday for Ringo Starr at Stephens
- Forums scheduled for women's center director finalists
- Memorial service for Jim Meek is April 21
- Registration is open for May 18 awards ceremony
- Course reserve requests for summer, fall are due now
- Alumni association to preview its 2019 tours
- Carillon will be silent April 23-26
- Celebrate ISU intellectual property at April 26 event
Egg drop (of sorts) for college students
A team of engineering students competed in 3M's inaugural Disruptive Design Challenge last week in St. Paul. The challenge was to create a disaster relief container that could withstand a 150-foot fall without damaging the medical supplies inside.
Making a case for federal funding Iowa State is one of 16 universities participating in the FedByScience initiative aimed at boosting federal investment in agricultural research. Researchers are sharing their stories with policymakers in Washington this week.
New software targets language learners A new language learning program developed by Iowa State linguists may help language learners hear distinctions between sounds unfamiliar to them.
- Dr. Claire Andreasen, professor of veterinary pathology and director of One Health, as the inaugural holder of the Dr. Roger and Marilyn Mahr Professorship in One Health, College of Veterinary Medicine, effective immediately
- Ken Moore, Distinguished Professor of agronomy, to the Pioneer Hi-Bred Agronomy Professorship
Open houses and receptions
This week
- Reception: Biorenewables art competition, April 20 (4-5 p.m., awards at 4:30 p.m., Biorenewables Research Laboratory lobby)
- Open house: ISU Flying Cyclones club fly-in breakfast, April 21 (7-11 a.m., Ames Municipal Airport), free admission, breakfast $10 (12 years and younger $6)
Next week
- Retirement: Harvey Lapan, economics, April 24 (2:30-4 p.m., program at 3 p.m., 368A Heady)
- Reception: 2018 Fashion Show exhibit, April 25 (5-6 p.m., 1015 Morrill), light refreshments
- Retirement: Tsing-Chang (Mike) Chen, geological and atmospheric sciences, April 27 (11 a.m.-1 p.m., remarks at 11:30 a.m., Agronomy Hall commons)
- Retirement: Jaci Severson, agronomy, April 27 (2:30-4:30 p.m., Agronomy Hall commons)
- Retirement: Justin Peters, mathematics, April 27 (5-6 p.m., remarks at 5:15 p.m., 305 Carver)
- Retirement: Veronica Dark, psychology, April 30 (3-5 p.m., program at 3:30 p.m., MU Gallery)
- Retirement: Bob Hutchison, facilities planning and management, May 1 (1-3 p.m., program at 1:30 p.m., 0162 General Services Building)
- Retirement: Michael Mesenbrink, facilities planning and management, May 1 (no public event)
- Retirement: Mary Kay Litzel, 4-H youth development, extension and outreach, May 1 (3-4 p.m., Extension 4-H Youth Building)
- Retirement: Don (Harold) Nielsen, facilities planning and management, May 4 (1-3 p.m., 0162 General Services Building)
- Retirement: Steve Heideman and Carla Holbrook, chemistry, May 4 (2-3:30 p.m., Hach Hall lobby)
- Retirement: Gene Takle, agronomy, May 4 (3-5 p.m., program at 3:30 p.m., MU Campanile Room)
- Retirement: Forrest Nutter, plant pathology and microbiology, May 7 (2-4 p.m., program at 2:10 p.m., 248 Bessey)
- Retirement: John Bowler, electrical and computer engineering, May 8 (2-4 p.m., program at 2:30 p.m., MU Cardinal Room)
Details about these events are on the university calendar.
All forums will be held in 136 Union Drive Community Center.
- Cinnamon Brown, Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri, April 23 (2-3 p.m.)
- Erin Meek, ISU School of Education, April 26 (11 a.m.-noon)
- Ruxandra Looft, ISU world languages and cultures, April 27 (11:15 a.m.-12:15 a.m.)
All forums will begin at noon in 302 Catt Hall.
- Tracy Osborn, University of Iowa, April 25
- Angela Bos, College of Wooster, Ohio, April 30
- Karen Kedrowski, Winthrop University, Rock Hill, South Carolina, May 2
- Nichola Gutgold, Penn State University, Lehigh Valley, May 3
Distinguished awards to be presented Friday afternoon
Help celebrate the university's highest awards for alumni and friends at the annual Distinguished Awards Celebration Friday, April 20 (2 p.m., Benton Auditorium, Scheman), hosted by the ISU Alumni Association and ISU Foundation. The ceremony is open to the public, with a reception following. It also may be watched live online.
Filmmaker will preview Carver documentary on campus
Producer and director Laurel Bower will show a 30-minute segment of her hour-long documentary, "George Washington Carver: An Uncommon Life," Wednesday, April 25, (7:30 p.m., MU Great Hall). The documentary premieres on Iowa Public Television at 8 p.m. Monday, April 30, and airs again at 1 p.m. Sunday, May 6. The botanist was Iowa State's first African-American student (1891-94) and faculty member (1894-96).
More campus events
Talks, performances, athletic contests and other campus events are listed on the university calendar.
Vice president for research programming
- Workshop, Best Practices for a Successful IRB Submission, final in the 4-part Human Research Basics Series, April 24 (11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.), register online
- Workshop, PI Transfers and Revised Goldsheets: How to Handle the Chaos, offered twice: April 25 (1-2:30 p.m.) and April 26 (9:30-11 a.m.), register online
- Workshop, Sponsor-specific Proposal Development: U.S. Department of Agriculture, offered twice: April 23 (3-4:30 p.m.) and April 25 (8:30-10 a.m.), register online
Submitting your news
Inside Update is published Thursday mornings by the Office of University Relations. Send Update news to inside@iastate.edu. Questions may be directed to 515-294-7065. Update archives