New Workday teams will focus on unit-level impacts
Disappearing food franchises ISU Dining director Mohamed Ali's preference is to do things in-house. It's not just that he dislikes franchise commissions. It's about the freedom to be creative, control the quality and meet customer demands as they evolve.
Kedrowski named to lead Catt Center
Karen Kedrowski will become the director of the Catt Center for Women and Politics on Jan. 1, 2019. She currently serves as executive director of the Center for Civic Learning and co-director of the West Forum on Politics and Policy, both at Winthrop University, Rock Hill, South Carolina.
Address addition to AccessPlus could help students vote
Students can now use their smartphones to prove where they live, which in some cases might be required to vote in upcoming elections.
More news
The following announcements were added this week:
- Annual Rummage RAMPage sale is July 27-Aug. 2
- Parks Library will close at 5 p.m. July 13
- Mental health crisis training to be held Aug. 7
- Governor appoints retired CC president to fill regents vacancy
- Vet Med's new Gentle Doctor Café scheduled to open July 16
- Learn@ISU support has moved to the Solution Center
New research center coming to Ames Lab
With a four-year grant for nearly $11 million from the U.S. Department of Energy, Ames Laboratory will establish a new Center for Advancement of Topological Semimetals, directed by physics and astronomy professor Rob McQueeney. The center will be one of 42 federal Energy Frontier Research Centers.
ISU Theatre initiative encourages collaboration In its CoLab initiative starting this fall, ISU Theatre hopes to infuse interdisciplinary collaboration into each of its productions by partnering with groups on campus, in the community and across the state.
Math professor disproves long-standing conjecture
Assistant professor of mathematics Jason McCullough helped disprove a 32-year-old math theory called the Eisenbud-Goto conjecture. The research he co-authored is a boost to Iowa State's national math profile, the department chair said.
- Tomas Gonzalez-Torres, lecturer of aerospace engineering, to director of the Iowa Space Grant Consortium, effective July 1
- Alric Rothmayer, professor of aerospace engineering, to interim department chair, effective July 1
Open houses and receptions
This week
- Retirement: Barb Hotchkiss, office of the registrar, July 12 (stop in 10 Enrollment Services Center anytime that day to congratulate her)
- Farewell: Dimitri Argyriou, Ames Laboratory, July 24 (1:30-3 p.m., 301 Spedding)
- Retirement: Linda Nelson, veterinary pathology, July 27 (3-4 p.m., 2768 Vet Med)
Details about these events are on the university calendar.
Shectman lecture is Thursday evening
2011 Nobel Prize in chemistry recipient Danny Shectman will give a public lecture July 12 (7:30 p.m., MU Pioneer Room) as part of an international conference. He is an Anson Marston Distinguished Professor in Engineering and Ames Lab associate at Iowa State, and Distinguished Emeritus Professor at Technion, Haifa, Israel.
Tickets available for July 19 Pretenders concert The Pretenders will perform in Stephens Auditorium Thursday, July 19 (7:30 p.m.). Ticket prices range from $39-$79 plus fees and are available through Ticketmaster, including the Stephens ticket office. The opening act is The Rails.
More campus events
Talks, performances, athletic contests and other campus events are listed on the university calendar.
Submitting your news
Inside Update is published Thursday mornings by the Office of University Relations. Send Update news to inside@iastate.edu. Questions may be directed to 515-294-7065. Update archives