Fall enrollment closes in on 35,000
Iowa State's fall enrollment is 34,992, the fourth-largest in school history. Of that number, 29,621 are undergraduates, the largest number enrolled at any Iowa college or university. And more than half of all students -- 54 percent -- are Iowa residents.
Planning could begin for scaled-down veterinary lab When the state Board of Regents meets next week in Iowa City, Iowa State leaders will seek permission to begin planning for a $75 million Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory. The 2018 Legislature committed $63.5 million in state support to the project over six years; the regents had asked for $100 million.
Tearoom updates include expanded menu Facility upgrades, more menu choices and new operating hours are among the changes diners will see when the Joan Bice Underwood Tearoom reopens Sept. 11 in MacKay Hall.
Fanfare will trumpet in the Wintersteen era Director of bands Michael Golemo composed a musical fanfare -- inspired in part by a personalized license plate -- for the Sept. 21 installation ceremony for President Wendy Wintersteen.
More news
The following announcements were added this week:
- ISU WellBeing launches second year of Adventure2
- Learn about 'dining green' at Sept. 10 event
- Red Green performance tickets go on sale Sept. 6
- Study Abroad Fair is Sept. 13
- Sign up to receive The Spark email
- Instructors sought for middle school TAG conferences in November
- Raffle for weeklong use of Morrill Road parking spaces is Sept. 21
- Proposals for spring Honors seminars due Sept. 14
- Annual financial aid conference for faculty, staff is Sept. 19
Work begins on new poultry science facilities
A $5 million project to replace Iowa State's aging poultry science facilities broke ground last week. It's expected to be finished in late 2019.
Boot camp helps student veterans brush up on math
Mathematics faculty and the ISU Veterans Center held a boot camp last month to help military-affiliated students sharpen rusty math skills.
Intentionally built student teams make classrooms more inclusive
Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication professor Joel Geske uses a private survey of students to form teams for class projects, creating a more inclusive learning environment.
- Zhiyou Wen, professor of food science and human nutrition, to interim director of the Center for Crops Utilization Research, effective Sept. 1
- Rodney Fox, Anson Marston Distinguished Professor of chemical and biological engineering, to the inaugural Hershel B. Whitney Professorship, Global Initiatives
- Amy Slagell, associate professor of English, reappointed to a five-year term as associate dean for academic programs, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, effective July 1
- Wolfgang Kliemann, professor of mathematics, to interim associate dean for research and graduate studies, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, effective July 1-Dec. 31
Open houses and receptions
This week
- Retirement: Randy Dalhoff, IT services, Sept. 7 (9 a.m.-noon, cookies in 205 Durham Center)
- Reception: "What's New? Recent Acquisitions of the TCM Collection" exhibit, Sept. 9 (2-3:30 p.m., program at 2:30 p.m., Textiles and Clothing Museum, 1015 Morrill)
Next week
- Welcome: Sarah Merrill, director of new student programs, Sept. 14 (12:30-2 p.m., 2630 Memorial Union)
- Open house: Student-managed Ag 450 Farm 75th anniversary, Sept. 22 (time TBA; four hours prior to football kickoff, 52097 260th St.)
Details about these events are on the university calendar.
Upcoming seminars and conferences
Open forums will be held from 3 to 4 p.m. in the Memorial Union. Candidates will be announced one business day prior to arriving on campus.
- Candidate 2: Monday, Sept. 17, Cardinal Room
- Candidate 3: Thursday, Sept. 27, Pioneer Room
Cy-Hawk series opens Friday
The Iowa Corn Cy-Hawk Series, a head-to-head competition between Iowa State and Iowa athletics teams, kicks off with a soccer match on Friday (7 p.m., Cyclone Sports Complex). It is one of just two Cy-Hawk events the Cyclones will host this year. Iowa State won last year's trophy and leads the series, 7-6-1.
Library launches lunchtime performance series Sept. 10 Monday Monologues is a new lunchtime performance series (12:15-12:45 p.m., Grant Wood Foyer north of Bookends Café) in Parks Library. Inspired by the world of words, books and language, each curated session offers short readings, stories or plays on a specific topic. It kicks off Monday, Sept. 10, with English faculty members Jennifer Knox and Jacob Dawson addressing, with readings, the craft of creative writing.
More campus events
Talks, performances, athletic contests and other campus events are listed on the university calendar.
Provost office programming
CELT programming
- Five-part workshop series, The Research-Based Flipped Classroom -- Team-Based Learning, Sept. 13, 20, 27; Oct. 4, 11 (3:30-5 p.m.)
- Meeting, ISU Online Learning Community, Sept. 14 (11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.)
- Workshop, Engagement Strategies for Every Classroom, Sept. 17 (12:10-1 p.m.)
- Workshop, Inclusive Classroom, Sept. 18 (2:10-5 p.m.)
- Meeting, Quality Matters Learning Community, Sept. 19 (3-4:30 p.m.)
- Workshop, Effectively Managing Disruptive Classroom Behavior, Sept. 21 (12:10-1 p.m.)
Submitting your news
Inside Update is published Thursday mornings by the Office of University Relations. Send Update news to inside@iastate.edu. Questions may be directed to 515-294-7065. Update archives