Plant a piece of history after the presidential installation
Audience members will receive a commemorative gift of wildflower seeds at the Sept. 21 celebratory event.
Remembering Celia
Faculty hires respond to resignations, program growth
Iowa State hired 62 tenured or tenure-eligible faculty from September 2017 through last month. While it's the smallest group in at least five years, it's also a solid number in a year of state funding cuts.
Child leave options may expand for parents who both work at ISU A draft policy change would allow FMLA-eligible parents who both work at Iowa State to each take up to 12 weeks of leave upon the arrival of a child, expanding what's available under federal law.
New Miller grants support better course materials, for free The inaugural Miller Open Education Mini-Grants awarded this summer are helping faculty develop, adapt and share instructional materials that save students money while enriching their classroom experiences.
Planning will resume for a scaled-back veterinary lab
President Wintersteen tells the regents planning this year will focus on "what we can get done for the dollars available."
More news
The following announcements were added this week:
- Sept. 20 student picnic moved to MU Great Hall
- Call for proposals opens for P&S professional development conference
- Inclusion workshop for faculty is Sept. 26
- Registration is open for girls' STEM conference
- Women's center hosts open house Sept. 20
- Oct. 7 concert features country artists Brett Young, Jordan Davis
- Try Zipcar car sharing for 30 days
- Provide an entry in the Oct. 21 Homecoming parade
- Register to mentor first-year student researchers
Cyclone Nation to honor fallen golfer Saturday at football game
Former Cyclone golfer Celia Barquin Arozamena, the 2018 Iowa State Female Athlete of the Year, was found dead Monday morning at Coldwater Golf Links. The athletics department will honor her memory several ways before and during the Sept. 22 football contest with Akron.
4-H participation is on the rise Iowa 4-H program club membership increased during the 2017-18 year to more than 23,000 young people in grades 4-12. An additional 7,400 youth in grades K-3 were members of the Iowa 4-H Clover Kids.
Powerful machine-learning can make farming more efficient
Looking for lessons in long-ago disasters Assistant professor of history Michael Low is part of a research team exploring how societies in the Indian Ocean region historically reacted to environmental crises, looking for insight helpful in modern responses. Low will study the steamboat-driven spread of cholera in the late 19th century.
- Matt Helmers, professor of agricultural and biosystems engineering and extension ag engineer, to director of the Iowa Nutrient Research Center, effective Sept. 1
- Jane Garrity, University of Iowa Research Foundation, to director of strategic initiatives, office of the vice president for research, effective Oct. 22
Open houses and receptions
This week
- Open house: Margaret Sloss Women's Center, Sept. 20 (1-3 p.m., Sloss House)
- Reception: ACCESS director Tess Cody and campus advocate Tricia Ingram Williams, Sept. 20 (4-6 p.m., MU Cardinal Room)
- Closing reception: "Under (Printed) Construction" exhibit, Sept. 21 (7:30-9 a.m., Design on Main Gallery, 203 Main St.)
- Open house: Student-managed Ag 450 Farm 75th anniversary, Sept. 22 (8-10:30 a.m., 52097 260th St.)
Next week
- Retirement: Mary Jo Beckman, human development and family studies, Sept. 28 (10-11:30 a.m., remarks at 10:30 a.m., east entrance atrium, Palmer Building)
- Retirement: Lynnette Witt, Ames Laboratory, Oct. 4 (1:30-3 p.m., 140 TASF)
Details about these events are on the university calendar.
Candidates will be announced one business day prior to arriving on campus.
- Candidate 3: Thursday, Sept. 27 (3-4 p.m.), MU Pioneer Room
New student onboarding committee
Learn about a collaborative effort to streamline procedures for onboarding new students. A Q&A will follow an overview of the committee's recommendations.
- Thursday, Sept. 20 (9-10 a.m., MU Gold Room)
- Wednesday, Sept. 26 (3-4 p.m., MU Gold Room)
Stephens anniversary kick-off is Friday evening
Stephens Auditorium's 50th anniversary year kicks off Friday, Sept. 21 (5-8 p.m., program at 7 p.m.). Enjoy music, light refreshments and building tours, leading up to the program. The event is free.
Cyclone volleyball opens home conference play
Iowa State hosts Baylor in Big 12 Conference volleyball Saturday, Sept. 22 (3 p.m., Hilton Coliseum). Tickets are $5.
More campus events
Talks, performances, athletic contests and other campus events are listed on the university calendar.
Provost office programming
- Workshop, How to Easily Generate Research from your Teaching Activities, Sept. 26 (3:10-5 p.m.)
- Workshop, Ensuring Student Buy-In for Pre-Learning in Flipped or Team Based Learning Classes, Sept. 27 (12:10-1 p.m.)
- Guest presentation, Student Evaluations of Teaching, Elizabeth Barre, Wake Forest University, Sept. 26 (noon-1:30 p.m., lunch provided), register online
- Guest presentation, Improving Faculty Evaluations, Andrea Greenhoot, University of Kansas, Oct. 1 (1-2:30 p.m., refreshments served), register online
- Workshop, How Pervasive Is Implicit Bias in STEM?, CIRTLCast series, part 1 of 4, Oct. 1 (10:30-11:30 a.m., in person or online), register via Learn@ISU for in-person, register with your CIRTL account for online
- Workshop, 3-part series, Sketchnoting for Visual Note Taking and More, Oct. 4, 11 and 18 (12:10-1:30 p.m.)
Submitting your news
Inside Update is published Thursday mornings by the Office of University Relations. Send Update news to inside@iastate.edu. Questions may be directed to 515-294-7065. Update archives