P&S Council seeks delay on improved service delivery plan
The Professional and Scientific Council is asking President Wendy Wintersteen to hold off on approving a proposed reorganization that would create new specialist jobs in human resources and financial services, saying P&S staff didn't have enough input into a plan that offers too little detail.
Town hall takes closer look at service delivery changes Top administrators in finance and human resources responded to questions about the proposed service delivery models at an Oct. 25 town hall.
Internal search is on for study abroad director
More news
The following announcements were added this week:
- Watch for Amazon email scam
- Daylight saving time ends Sunday morning
- Give thanks during November for great mentors, advisers and teachers
- Provost hosts Nov. 29 reception for term faculty
- 'Monologue' auditions run Nov. 11-15
- Mixer focuses attention on first-gen student needs
- Pair of Business lectures Nov. 9 includes trailblazing Land O'Lakes CEO
- Community dinner to honor military students is Nov. 14
More space coming soon to Gerdin
The Ivy College of Business has selected the design-build team for a 45,000-square-foot addition to the east side of the Gerdin Building. Construction on the $28 million project begins in the spring.
ISU lands in top 17 percent in global ranking Iowa State is ranked 212th among 1,250 colleges and universities around the world in the fifth annual U.S. News "Best Global Universities" ranking. ISU made the ranking in 13 of 22 academic subjects.
'Bury-and-forget' soil sensors could help reduce fertilizer usageA team lead by assistant professor of mechanical engineering Jonathan Claussen is developing a system of low-cost, "bury-and-forget" soil sensors that could help farmers use less fertilizer, which can run off fields and cause environmental problems.
ISU studying ways to publicly share research data Federal and nonprofit research organizations, which previously expected research publications to be shared publicly, are beginning to require scientists and scholars to openly share their research data. Iowa State intends to follow suit and is considering various data-sharing models.
- Cyndi Wiley, associate professor of art and design, Grand View University, Des Moines, to digital accessibility coordinator in information technology services, effective Nov. 12
Open houses and receptions
This week
- Reception: "Mid-Century Modern" exhibit, Nov. 2 (5-7 p.m., Christian Petersen and Textiles and Clothing museums, Morrill)
Next week
- Retirement: Liz Kurt, ISU Extension and Outreach conference planning and management, Nov. 5 (3:30-5:30 p.m., Cy's Lounge, Alumni Center)
- Retirement: Sandy Gahn, institutional research, Nov. 9 (no public reception, well wishes may be sent to her at 2420 Lincoln Way, Suite 203)
- Faculty-staff-student mixer, building awareness of first-generation student needs, Nov. 12 (5:30-6:30 p.m., Hixson-Lied Student Success Center), to participate complete online survey
- Retirement: Joyce Russell, Iowa Public Radio, Nov. 13 (4-6 p.m., program at 5 p.m., IPR, 2111 Grand Ave., Suite 100, Des Moines), email well wishes to membership@iowapublicradio.org
Details about these events are on the university calendar.
Upcoming seminars and conferences
- Workshop, Intensive Tasting Proficiency, Midwest Grape and Wine Industry Institute, Nov. 10 (9 a.m.-5 p.m., Food Sciences Building), $60 registration fee through Nov. 2
- Nov. 1 (11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., MU Pioneer Room)
- James Oliver, mechanical engineering: Nov. 2 (2-3 p.m., College of Design auditorium)
A satirical twist on a Greek myth
An early peek at winter Cyclone squads
The Cyclone women's and men's basketball and wrestling squads compete this week for the first time this season. The women's team has exhibition games Thursday evening (6:30 p.m., vs. Southwest Baptist) and Sunday afternoon (2 p.m., vs. Winona State). The men's squad plays Tuesday, Nov. 6 (7 p.m. vs. Alabama State). The wrestlers host their own Harold Nichols Cyclone Open Saturday (9 a.m.). All events are at Hilton Coliseum; tickets may be purchased online or at the Hilton ticket office prior to events. The athletics department's clear bag policy is in place for all Hilton events.
More campus events Talks, performances, athletic contests and other campus events are listed on the university calendar.
Submitting your news
Inside Update is published Thursday mornings by the Office of University Relations. Send Update news to inside@iastate.edu. Questions may be directed to 515-294-7065. Update archives