Inside Iowa State for faculty and staff
Feb. 14, 2019
Inside news
Training for 10,000: Learning how to use Workday begins in April
In a report to the P&S Council, a consultant outlined the extensive training planned to show ISU employees how to use the Workday enterprise platform.

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Endowed Dean Daniel Robison arrived on campus this week. Robison was named dean in October following a national search.

Service delivery team sizes announced 
Leaders have determined the estimated size and makeup of the specialist teams in the finance and human resources improved service delivery structures.

Institutional research director finalists will interview on campus this month
Five finalists have been selected. Their campus visits will include a public forum with the university community.

Senate learns more about evolving research efforts
Vice president for research Sarah Nusser gave faculty senators an update on ways to improve and advance Iowa State research.

Project SEARCH expands across campus
The program that teaches skills to people with disabilities to support their job readiness is in its third year and looking to add internship opportunities.
More news
The following announcements were added this week:
  • Iowa State is participating in 8-week recycling competition
  • March 29 is deadline for 2019-20 undergraduate research assistance
  • Register by Feb. 28 to showcase your work at next month's ISU Research Day

Around campus
Another overdose crisis could be on horizon
Even with opioid deaths on the decline in the state, an Iowa State researcher believes another overdose issue is looming because of heroin and synthetic opioids.

Climate change increases potential for violence
New Iowa State research identifies three ways climate change will increase the likelihood of violence, based on established models of aggression and violence.

Three Carver Trust grants total $1.1 million
Three grants from the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust totaling about $1.1 million will bolster gene-editing research, expand student services at Parks Library and secure a powerful wavelength-dispersive spectrometer.

Making V-Day flowers last 
Have some Valentine's Day flowers to tend to? Extension and Outreach offers some tips to keep them fresh longer.

Open houses and receptions
Next week
  • Open house, Graduate College's Center for Communication Excellence, Feb. 20 (noon-3 p.m., dean's welcome at noon, 1137 Pearson)
  • Retirement, Diane Muncrief, university human resources, Feb. 26 (9-11 a.m., remarks at 10 a.m., Beardshear first floor atrium)
  • Retirement, Rick Pervier, facilities planning and management, power plant, Feb. 28 (no public event)
  • Retirement, Ruth Braymen, admissions office, Feb. 28 (2-4 p.m., Enrollment Services Building third floor)
  • Retirement, Ed Logan, Memorial Union, March 1 (10 a.m.-noon, MU Maintenance Shop)
  • Farewell and retirement, Nancy Olson and Stephen Veysey, chemistry, March 1 (2-3:30 p.m., remarks at 2:30 p.m., Hach Hall atrium)
Details about these events are on the university calendar.

Upcoming seminars and conferences
  • TIAA seminar, Paying Yourself: Income Options in Retirement, Feb. 27 (noon-1 p.m., MU Pioneer Room), register online or call 800-732-8353
Open forums
All forums will be held 2-2:45 p.m.
  • Feb. 15, 3150 Beardshear, Dale Pietrzak, University of Idaho, Moscow
  • Feb. 18, 2030 Morrill, Chris Feit, Loras College, Dubuque
  • Feb. 20, 3150 Beardshear, Amanda DeGraff, office of institutional research, Iowa State
  • Feb. 22, MU Cardinal Room, Kathy Felts, University of Missouri, Columbia
  • Feb. 25, MU Oak Room, Alicia Knoedler, formerly University of Oklahoma, Norman
Arts and events
ISU Theatre presents adaptation of 'Sense and Sensibility'
The adaption of the Jane Austen novel was written by alumna Kerry Skram and includes a scene written specifically for ISU's production

You're invited: Sustainability symposium is Feb. 18-19
Two-evening format includes keynote by retired astronaut Scott Kelly and ISU panelists highlighting accomplishments of Live Green's first decade on campus. Events are free and open to the public.
More campus events
Talks, performances, athletic contests and other campus events are listed on the university calendar.
Professional development
Provost office programming
Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching programming
Register via Learn@ISU.
Center for Communication Excellence and University Library programming
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Inside Update is published Thursday mornings by the Office of University Relations. Send Update news to Questions may be directed to 515-294-7065.
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