Oct. 24, 2019
Inside news
There are no premium or plan changes to the ISU Plan for 2020. Enrollment via Workday brings two notable process changes: Contribution levels for health care and dependent care spending don't automatically carry over; there is no review period prior to final benefits statement.

Eligible faculty, P&S staff, post docs and contract employees should see a larger paycheck Oct. 31. 

Iowa State never has canceled classes for the Iowa presidential caucus -- and won't Feb. 3 -- but students with a Monday evening class who want to attend a precinct caucus are encouraged to speak with their instructors to determine if they may be excused.

Co-led by the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities, the alliance promotes two goals : a diverse STEM faculty and STEM faculty who use inclusive teaching practices.
The following announcements were added this week:
  • Community supper with student veterans is Nov. 13
  • Dwight Yoakam concert tickets go on sale Oct. 25
  • Madrigal Dinner tickets go on sale Nov. 1
  • Snow blower service days are Nov. 8-9
Around campus
Professor Lisa Schulte Moore talks about the ability to restore balance between growing crops and protecting the environment in farming states like Iowa in an essay for The Conversation.

Assistant professor of art and visual culture Kim Moss is the first person to shoot video and photos of the Parnassius clodius butterfly laying its eggs -- a missing piece of the puzzle that helps explain the insect's link to climate change.

The College of Veterinary Medicine has a new memorandum of agreement for a student exchange with the Universidad De Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, located on Gran Canaria island in Spain.

"May Her Colors Ever Fly" -- a pop-up exhibition hosted by the library's special collections department and University Archives -- will be held Saturday, Oct. 26 (12:30-2:30 p.m., Cyclone Tent 17 , lot B4, Homecoming football tailgate). Enjoy free food and drinks, limited-edition football buttons and 13 athletics-related items from the archive.
  • Susan Wohlsdorf Arendt, apparel, events and hospitality management, to faculty fellow in the provost's office, effective Jan. 1, 2020
Open houses and receptions
This week
  • Reception, "Women Who Create" SheTalks, Oct. 24 (4:30-6:30 p.m., Economic Development Core Facility, 1805 Collaboration Pl.)

Next week
  • Reception, "Connections and Intersections: People, Place and Time" ReACT exhibit opening, Oct. 29 (4-6 p.m., Christian Petersen Art Museum, Morrill)
  • Retirement, Doug Anderson, payroll department, Oct. 31 (1-3 p.m., program at 1:30 p.m., WOW Center, Extension 4-H Building)
  • Retirement, Cindy Howe, facilities planning and management, Nov. 1 (1-3 p.m., program at 2 p.m., 0162 General Services)

  • Open house, Digital Accessibility Lab, Nov. 6 (3-4:30 p.m., program at 3 p.m., 206 Durham Center)
  • Reception, honoring first-generation college students, Nov. 8 (11 a.m.-2 p.m., MU Oak Room), registration encouraged
Arts and events
"Cy's the Limit" for this week's homecoming celebration , including a full weekend slate of events.

The music department's seasonal "Octubaween" concert begins at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 28, in Tye Recital Hall, Music Building. This free concert features brass instruments and organ.

Particle physicist Aaron Dominguez, provost at Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., will give the Sigma Xi lecture, "Science, Technology and Faith," Wednesday, Oct. 30 (7 p.m., MU South Ballroom). A devout Catholic, Dominguez will speak about how faith is part of what inspires him to study the origins of the universe in his experimental high-energy physics research.
Professional development
Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) programming
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Inside Update is published Thursday mornings by Strategic Relations and Communications. Questions may be directed to 515-294-7065.