Since 2003, the University Library has had a live chat function on its website to answer questions students, faculty, staff or anyone in the world may pose.
The Faculty Senate will vote at its February meeting on four universitywide student learning outcomes that will put ISU in line with accreditation criteria.
IT's mail team is testing a solution for ISU email -- sent by an outside vendor -- that ends up in recipients' junk mail folder. In the meantime, email readers can influence where that mail lands.
As of this week, the document needed for filing state and federal income taxes is available in Workday.
Iowa State's in-house printing operation is approaching its 100th birthday, a century dominated by black print on white paper. While there's still a need for traditional products, what Printing Services offers its campus clients has evolved far beyond the page.
The 92-year-old building will be razed by June, and the lot on Pammel Drive will become a green space.
Two Iowa State faculty members kicked off 2020 in new part-time roles in the provost's office.