Recreation services' upgraded southeast recreation complex, under construction east of the football stadium for more than a year, is progressing toward completion for fall use by students.
While the coronavirus was concentrated in large cities when it first spread in the U.S., rural areas are more vulnerable than major population centers, associate professor of sociology David Peters wrote in an essay for The Conversation. Factors that put rural areas at greater risk include older populations and higher rates of chronic illness.
Encouraging officers to pursue a college degree would be an effective police reform, according to an essay in The Conversation co-written by Leana Bouffard, chair of the sociology department. The essay argues that higher education makes officers better leaders who are less likely to use violence, more problem-oriented and better able to relate to the community and identify best practices.
An ISU veterinary medicine research team working to make bladder cancer more treatable received the university's Margaret B. Barry Cancer Research Program award for 2020. The team will use the $120,000 grant to investigate canine bladder cancer to produce a model for predicting drug responses in human patients.
Engineers, geneticists, agronomists, system modelers and machine-learning experts at Iowa State and the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, are combining their electronics, computing and crop expertise to develop a system to constantly monitor fields at near a single-plant resolution and help farmers manage water and fertilizer use.