The ISU police department received the Innovation in Community Policing Award from an international campus law enforcement association for its Engagement and Inclusion Officer Team, launched in 2016 to improve campus relationships and create a more inclusive campus.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the office of the VP for research has selected seven high-impact projects to receive institutional funding through a new seed program dedicated to addressing the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.
Requests to post position vacancies will require approval from the respective president/senior VP (or delegate) through at least December.
Associate professor of statistics Lily Wang is leading a research team whose statistical models are helping the Center for Disease Control and Prevention track and predict COVID-19 deaths in the United States.
A virtual exhibition providing state-level recognition to partially replace the loss of this year's Iowa State Fair will include 4-H exhibits, communication events and the Awardrobe clothing selection.
An Iowa Century Farm donated by lifelong Pottawattamie County resident Barbara J. Green to the county's community foundation will provide approximately $75,000 to $100,000 annually for student scholarships in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.