Toyia Younger, vice president for leadership development and partnerships at the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, has been named senior vice president for student affairs, pending regents approval. The board also will consider permanent appointments for interim senior VP Pam Cain (operations and finance), interim VP Kristen Constant (information technology services) and interim VP Kristi Darr (university human resources).
Guidance released this week provides some direction on how to respond if a student or employee declines to wear a face covering. It also outlines potential consequences of repeated deliberate violations.
Pending regents approval, Iowa State employees who meet a rule of 70 (age plus service to the university) and are at least 60 years old on their retirement date could be eligible to select from among three incentive options.
Teams from facilities planning and management are resetting more than 140 general university classrooms this month, based on Iowa State's guidelines for physical distancing and revised room capacities for instructional areas.
Guidance released by the provost's office and the fall academic continuity working group includes several recommendations that will affect instruction and other interactions with students.
Three out of four of faculty and instructional staff surveyed about their experiences in the transition to virtual course delivery this spring said they had adequate support and that students still achieved the core learning outcomes in classes that shifted online.
Council members heard about testing plans for students moving into on-campus housing and the latest on new job titles assigned to professional and scientific staff.
With the August retirement of the university's ombuds, Iowa State will contract with an ombuds and dispute resolution firm for free, confidential services on an interim basis.
To comply with CDC guidance, students, faculty and staff arriving from outside of the United States must self-quarantine for 14 days before participating in any in-person activities on campus, including classes.