Inside Iowa State for faculty and staff
Dec. 8, 2022
Inside news
While students are busy taking exams, many staff and faculty across campus are shifting responsibilities or lending a hand to give students the best experience possible.

The semester-long incubator program is designed to help faculty entrepreneurs apply their research, solve problems and move from "tech-speak" to "business-speak."

More than 1,600 undergraduates registered for Iowa State's third winter session, nearly 70% of whom are juniors or seniors.

At last week's Professional and Scientific Council meeting, provost Jonathan Wickert shared the decision to keep passing time at 15 minutes for Monday, Wednesday and Friday classes. The increase from 10 minutes, which began during the pandemic, makes passing time the same length all week.
The following announcements were added this week:
  • Therkildsen building construction is focus of virtual meeting
  • Preorder for Dec. 21 curbside pickup from ISU Creamery
  • Design students' fall sale runs through Friday
  • Reminder: Complete regents' free speech training
  • Presenters sought for spring STEM conference for girls
  • Learn more about student loan policy changes
  • Nominations open: Awards for student employee and supervisor of student employees
  • Rec services opens gender-neutral restroom at Lied center
  • Gardeners, stay busy this winter
Around campus
Professor of veterinary microbiology and preventive medicine Mark Lyte is working with Norwegian researchers to see if stress from intensive handling methods is making farmed salmon more susceptible to bacterial diseases.

ISU researchers found that using dot-size floor laser lights to stimulate broiler chicken movement led to weight gain and improved bone density. The lasers also are an efficient alternative to traditional environmental perks for poultry, such as platforms or perches, which require regular sanitizing.
This week
  • Tom Swartwood, Ivy College of Business and Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship, Dec. 8 (3:30-5:30 p.m., remarks at 4 p.m., Core Facility atrium, ISU Research Park, 1805 Collaboration Pl.)
  • Jana Stenback, ecology, evolution and organismal biology, Dec. 9 (10 a.m.-noon, 248 Bessey)

  • Venita Currie, fiscal operations, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Dec. 30, wish her well with a message to her Kudoboard
  • Betty Dobratz, sociology and criminal justice, Dec. 31, post congratulations to her Kudoboard
  • Jane Stowe, student services, College of Engineering, Jan. 4 (2-4 p.m., 3155 Marston)

Employees, their colleagues or supervisors are invited to submit retirements and departures to University human resources doesn't provide them for publication.
Seminars and conferences
Arts and events
ISU carillonneur and music professor Tin-shi Tam's final weekday concert of fall semester is Friday, Dec. 9 (11:50 a.m., campanile). Joining her for a "Carol of the Bells" concert are five carillon students: Ashlyn Haack, Ellie Grace Lashier, Alice Pauly, Carolyn Riedel, Tanner Smith and Rebekah Veldboom. If you can't make it to the central lawn, enjoy the livestream at your desk.

The 41st annual holiday production of the Nutcracker Ballet, featuring central Iowa youth and adult dancers and professional dancers in two principal roles, returns to Stephens Auditorium this weekend for three shows: 1 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, and 7:30 p.m. Saturday. Tickets ($30 plus fees) are available through Ticketmaster.

The Cyclone men's and women's track teams will host the ISU Holiday Invitational Saturday, Dec. 10 (1-6 p.m., Lied recreation center). Women's pentathlon and four of the men's heptathlon events will compete Friday afternoon, Dec. 9 (1-6 p.m.). Spectators are welcome; admission is free.
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Inside Update is published Thursday mornings by Strategic Relations and Communications. Questions may be directed to 515-294-7065.