Enjoy the newest outdoor exhibit, Glass in Flight, this week through Oct. 8 at Reiman Gardens. Twenty sculptures, made of steel and colored glasses by artist Alex Heveri, provide an array of insects and pollinators that play in the sunlight. Garden admission rates apply (public $12, seniors $11, members and ISU students free).
The Cyclone football program will conclude its spring season with an intrasquad game on Saturday, April 22 (11 a.m., gates 1-3 open at 10 a.m., Jack Trice Stadium). Admission is free. At its Oct. 7 home game with TCU, the Cyclones will wear throwback uniforms as part of the 100-year commemoration of former student-athlete Jack Trice. Those uniforms will be revealed at the spring game.
Students in comedic coach Gavin Jerome and University Professor of economics Peter Orazem's "Comedy College" University Honors seminar this spring will host their final exam on the M-Shop stage April 24 and 26 (8 p.m., doors open at 7:30 p.m., Memorial Union). Admission is free. In the class, students learn how to use humor in their personal and professional lives. It may be the farewell tour for Orazem, who retires this summer.