In its first 18 months, departments have trimmed about half of the targeted $15 million reduction and proposed new degree programs desired by students and the employers who will hire them.
Following the annual market data review, 44 P&S job profiles moved to higher pay grades on Aug. 14. Among the approximately 100 employees affected, 15 will need a salary increase to meet their new pay grade minimum.
Michael Harwood started as the associate vice president for campus life and director of residence last week. He brings 30+ years of experience in student affairs.
David Spalding, who has led the Ivy College of Business since 2013, was appointed to another five-year term, effective July 1.
Faculty and staff are asked to encourage students to participate in this second annual free event Friday and Saturday to safely celebrate the start of a new academic year.
The audiovisual experience team spent the summer updating general university classrooms with new teaching technology that allows instructors to connect with confidence no matter where they are teaching.
Before fall semester begins next week, catch up on summer happenings across campus.
Council members received updates on the state Board of Regents' diversity, equity and inclusion study group, Workday Student and council goals for the year at the Aug. 3 meeting.