Inside Iowa State for faculty and staff
Nov. 9, 2023
Inside news
With its final vote last week, a review committee recommended the university keep Carrie Chapman Catt's name on Catt Hall.

Karen Rodekamp, a 24-year veteran in ISU Dining -- and former student employee -- was promoted to director of ISU Dining, effective Nov. 1.

A new mat strategy at the Memorial Union entrances helps keep dirt and debris on visitors' shoes from being deposited all over the building. The custodial staff will spend less time cleaning floors, freeing them up for other work. Over seven years, the mats will save the MU more than $640,000.

This summer, senior vice president for operations and finance Shawn Norman tweaked the leadership structure for the division. He recently announced promotions to fill the remaining positions.

Also on the docket are requests for two second phases at the Veterinary Medicine campus: the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory and pet cancer clinic; faculty professional development requests for next year and the biennial report on how faculty spend their workweek.

Expect next week's email on Friday
To provide a summary from the state Board of Regents' Nov. 16 meeting prior to the fall break, next week's Inside Update email will be sent Friday morning, Nov. 17.
The following announcements were added this week:
  • Faculty-staff ticket discount for ISU-Iowa hoops contest
  • Professional and Scientific Council fills three vacancies
  • Alumni association seeks presenters for July LegaCY camp
  • cyBUY Supplier Show is Nov. 14
  • Poinsettia online orders due Nov. 20
  • Pre-order ISU Winery wines for campus pick-up
  • Snow blower service days are Nov. 10-11
  • State employees receive two additional paid holidays
  • Women of Achievement award nominations due Nov. 30
  • Order your ISU holiday ham by Nov. 14
  • You're invited: GIS event on Nov. 15
Around campus
Vietnam veteran and Ames resident Jim Olberding is dedicated to keeping Iowa State's Gold Star Hall as accurate a memorial as possible. His efforts added 14 WWII soldiers' names to its walls in August.

Since 1943, the Ag 450 Farm has given students the chance to apply the science they've learned in the classroom to a real-world farm setting. They focus on the day-to-day work on the farm and learn how to manage finances, market commodities and plan their operations.

Chief of police Michael Newton and environmental health and safety's Paul Richmond this week shared information with students and employees about campus announcements and closures related to winter weather.

Agronomy associate professor Arti Singh organized a group to encourage women to get more involved in artificial intelligence (AI) to solve ag-related issues. Singh hopes to inspire women in STEM to create a better future for agriculture using AI.

With its plan for a 54-acre shelter and recovery campus for youth, an interdisciplinary team of Design students received the top award in the student community service category of the American Society of Landscape Architects' 2023 awards.
  • Ryan Budnik, interim director of the Iowa Crop Improvement Association, to director, effective Sept. 27
  • William Jenks, chemistry, Nov. 30 (2-4 p.m., Thiel north atrium, Hach Hall)
  • Diane Maxwell, Team Sycamore, finance service delivery, Dec. 1 (no public event)
  • Julia Sullivan, student financial aid, Dec. 1 (no public event)

Employees, their colleagues or supervisors are invited to submit retirements and departures to Inside doesn't receive this information from a central source.
Arts and events
Mini flu shot clinic is today
If you're looking for this opportunity, there's a free, half-day clinic for employees Thursday, Nov. 9 (9 a.m.-2 p.m., 1218 State Gym). Employees are asked to use the south doors to State Gym; a few reserved parking spots are available adjacent to these doors. More information.

The ISU Band Extravaganza concert, a collaboration among ISU's Wind Ensemble, Jazz ONE, State Storm and the marching band, is Friday, Nov. 10 (7:30 p.m., Stephens Auditorium). Tickets can be purchased at the door or in advance at the Stephens ticket office ($15 general admission; $10 youth, ISU students and seniors 65-plus). 

Sheepdogs will compete in the Cyclone Acres Sheepdog Trial Saturday-Sunday, Nov. 11-12 at the ISU Teaching Farm, 3725 S. 520 Ave. At the competition (8 a.m.-5. p.m. daily), handlers and their dogs showcase their ability to work with sheep, and the dogs are judged on several skills sheep farmers need. Admission is free and bleachers are available.

Writer, poet and spoken word artist Asia Samson, who's been featured on HBO's "Def Poetry Jam," will perform Tuesday, Nov. 14 (7 p.m., MU Maintenance Shop, doors open at 6:30 p.m.). Admission is free. Iowa State freshman Lo Wilinski, a finalist at the 2022 Chicago Youth Poetry competition, will open the performance.
Learning opportunities
Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) programming
Previous Inside coverage
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Inside Update is published Thursday mornings by Strategic Relations and Communications. Questions? Email or call 515-294-7065.