Inside Iowa State for faculty and staff

Dec. 5, 2024

Inside news

Remembering Tahira Hira

Hira, emeritus professor of personal finance and consumer economics, died Dec. 4 after a long illness. She served Iowa State for more than 30 years as a faculty member and university administrator until her retirement in 2014.

The human side of veterinary medicine

A former storage room was converted to a human anatomy lab in 2017 to elevate the impact of the biomedical science master's degree. However, demand from undergraduate students eyeing veterinary or human medical school also fills seats every semester. 

How is a campus closure determined?

Choosing to close campus because of weather or other significant event always comes down to one thing: safety.

New Workday form will handle financial policy exception requests

Replacing email as the request tool, the form will improve the efficiency of financial and accounting compliance exception requests, for example, for a lodging or meal overage.

Cyclone football's big night

Saturday's victory over Kansas State was the football program's first-ever 10th regular season win and propelled the team into the Big 12 Conference championship game this weekend against Arizona State.

Have fun indoors -- or outside -- at WinterFest

Gift shopping, getting a peek upstairs at the campanile or enjoying some Knoll hot chocolate are among the many seasonal options during Friday's WinterFest.

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The following announcements were added this week:

  • Retrieve passwords before Okta dashboard turns off Monday
  • Share your thoughts on Ames transportation needs
  • Volunteers still sought for prep week kickoff event
  • Help keep the SHOP pantry open during winter break
  • Gardens' holiday light show opens Dec. 5 with toy drive
  • Classrooms reserved for prep week evening study
  • Hort club members are selling poinsettias through Saturday
  • Art Mart holiday sale runs through Dec. 6
View all announcements

Around campus

Study finds link between conservation and farmers' job satisfaction

Sociology's J. Arbuckle studied factors that influence job satisfaction among farmers. Financial stability, proven resilience to extreme weather and effective conservation practices contributed to their job satisfaction and overall well-being.

Academy helps city professionals build skills, serve communities

Across Iowa, municipal clerks are engines of local government, ensuring that city council decisions come to life. They turn to the Municipal Professionals Institute and Academy, offered through Iowa State, for the training they need to manage budgets, understand new laws and operate in a complex environment.

Helping construction engineers as communicators

English professor Tina Coffelt led a study to determine which communication skills construction engineering graduates will need most for their new jobs. They found new graduates had sufficient writing skills, but lacked some interpersonal and oral communication abilities -- and developed learning modules for two ISU construction engineering classes.

Francis to create program to help women over 50

Food science and human nutrition professor Sarah Francis joined a multi state team that's creating StrengthenHER. The virtual exercise/nutrition program will help women over 50 years maintain their health and independence by reducing risks for sarcopenia, the age-related progressive loss of muscle mass.


  • Michael Francom, College of Engineering administration, to strategic budget and finance advisor in the office of the senior vice president and provost, effective Dec. 9

Open houses and receptions

Employees, their colleagues or supervisors are invited to submit retirements and departures to Inside doesn't receive this information from a central source.

This week

  • Appreciation reception, for academic advisors, faculty and student support staff involved in the Workday Student transition, Dec. 5 (11 a.m.-noon, first floor, Beardshear Hall)
  • Open house, Alliant Energy Agriculture Innovation Lab, ISU Research Park, 3800 University Blvd., Dec. 5 (3-5 p.m., remarks at 3:30 p.m.)
  • Holiday Mix and Mingle, for all P&S employees, hosted by the P&S Council, Dec. 5 (4-5:30 p.m., 1118 Student Innovation Center, festive attire encouraged), enjoy hot chocolate, cider and cookies
  • WinterFest open house, with senior vice president and provost Jason Keith, Dec. 6 (3-5:30 p.m., The Knoll), live music and seasonal refreshments
  • Yuletide open house, Farm House Museum, central campus, Dec. 6 (5-8 p.m.), Victorian activities and holiday treats

Next week

  • Open house, celebrating 50 years of the kinesiology department's Exercise Clinic, Dec. 12 (4-5:30 p.m.) and Dec. 13 (11 a.m.-noon), 194 Forker, refreshments and prizes


  • Retirement, Mike Long, Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Dec. 31 (no public event)
  • Retirement, Tom Skadow, Center for Food Security and Public Health, College of Veterinary Medicine, Jan. 3 (no public event)

Arts and events

Theatre students host 10-minute play festival

ISU Theatre will present an array of student-directed, 10-minute plays on Dec. 7 (2 and 7:30 p.m., Fisher Theater). Students choose and cast the plays, which are different at the two performances. Admission is free; some plays contain adult language and content.

Ames Tuba Christmas concert is Saturday

Ames' 14th Tuba Christmas, conducted and coordinated by University Professor of music Mike Golemo, will be held on Saturday, Dec 7 (3-4 p.m., doors open at 2:30 p.m., Stephens Auditorium). Last year's event featured 251 community members playing tubas, euphoniums, baritones and sousaphones. No tickets are required.

Student ensemble holiday concerts are Sunday

The music and theatre department hosts two holiday concerts on Sunday, Dec. 8, at Stephens Auditorium. A 3 p.m. concert features the ISU Symphony Orchestra, Iowa State Singers, Iowa Statesmen and the Cantamus and Lyrica choirs. A 7 p.m. performance features the ISU Wind Ensemble and Symphonic, Concert and Campus bands. General admission tickets for either event are $10 ($5 for ISU students and guests 18 years and younger or 65 years and older) at the door or in advance at the Stephens ticket office.

View events calendar

Learning opportunities

Provost office programming

Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) programming

Register online.

Digital accessibility programming

  • Siteimprove webinar series, Connecting Your Content Management System, Using Page Inspector and Identifying Issues, Dec. 12 (10 a.m.)

WorkCyte Phase II programming

Workday Wednesdays, highlights of Workday Student functions.

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Inside Update is published Thursday mornings during the academic year by Strategic Relations and Communications. Questions may be directed to 515-294-7065.

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