Insect identification app reveals pests and pollinators
Backed by a dataset of 12 million insect images -- many collected by citizen-scientists -- InsectNet provides identification and predictions for more than 2,500 insect species, at greater than 96% accuracy.
A first for Iowa State: Patent in apparel design
Associate professor Ling Zhang's innovative, multi-layered maternity garment recently earned an apparel design patent, marking a first for the ISU Research Foundation. The patent is the basis for several products sold through Zhang's startup company.
Program asks high schoolers to tackle food insecurity
Walter Suza, George Washington Carver Endowed Chair, is leading a program that challenges Iowa high school students to develop innovative solutions to food insecurity. Ames High students will work in teams to write essays that identify a hunger-related issue and propose a way to address it. The winning teams receive funds to make their proposals a reality.
Improve your data visualization skills
University Library is hosting workshops, an open house and student competitions for Love Data Week, Feb. 10-14, in 199 Parks. Held annually during the week of Valentine's Day, the week connects people around the world to learn and have fun with data. It's led by the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research at the University of Michigan, of which Iowa State is a member.